new to MFP and needing friends and motivation!

Hello I'm tawny. I'm currently 295lbs. I was 300lbs. I've lost 70lbs then got pregnant with my beautiful daughter and gained 40 back. Separated from my husband and gained the 30 back. Now I'm having a hard time staying motivated. I keep going on a binge. I drink tons of water and eat healthy. In the end I'm starving. I'm walking a lot too. I would like people to join me on this journey. Tips and advice are very helpful:-) . Feel free to add me!


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hi Tawnybird!
    Congrats on your little girl! Sorry to hear about all the ups and downs but hope this time through support we can keep each other motivated
    I will add you :)
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member

    My name is Kelsey. I've been on this site for a long time but I have just recently become reguarly active on here.I'm on here frequently and maybe we can keep each other motivated! I'm going to add you if that is okay!