Taco Bell Drive Through Diet

So I've seen the commercials and everything and a moment of weakness decided to try it out. I had two Fresco Ranchero Chicken Soft Tacos. That totaled 340 calories and 8 grams of fat, not to shabby!

It was basically the chicken with tomatoes, onions and cilantro in a soft shell (i would add some fire sauce). They did fill me up though.


  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i know i do the same thing i get the 2 crunchy plain with beans omg great and only like 450 calories
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I do love me some taco bell, but I can't do the fresco. I don't like tomatoes and onions....and I need my cheese. I'm best to just stay away.

    The best option for me is a steak soft taco without the sauce, but I hardly ever opt for that, so again I need to stay away. :smile:
  • tigger44
    those fresco ranchero tacos got me thru many a taco bell craving!
  • js775219
    I've been wanting to try that...maybe this weekend.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Seriously, even their regular tacos aren't that bad! My only issue would be finding something that filled me up for a while. Last time I gave in to Taco Bell, I was hungry again a few hours later.
  • nurse_jenie
    I had the steak one not that long ago and I like those spicy tomatos they put on it. Gave it a nice kick. Boy do I love Taco Bell too!
  • hjsyndrome
    Well, you really shouldnt eat to "fill up". You should eat to re-fuel your body. Please be very careful with the amount of sodium that is in these type of foods.

    Later and good luck on your goals!!!!!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    When I saw the title on this thread I thought maybe you were going to say that the best TB drive through diet was to keep on dirivng right through :laugh:

    Sorry, it just struck me as funny :blushing:

    We don't have TB's around here so I don't have the temptation, but homeade tacos shouldn't be too bad, diet wise. Less cheese. more lettuce and tomatoes and maybe turkey burger?
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Well, you really shouldnt eat to "fill up". You should eat to re-fuel your body. Please be very careful with the amount of sodium that is in these type of foods.

    Later and good luck on your goals!!!!!

    Wow, you really took that too literally. I have to say this response offended me. What I meant was that if I eat something and I'm hungry again in 2 hours, then I wasted those calories. Thanks for making me feel like an idiot! Have a nice life.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    YUCK!!!! Taco Bell will eventually make your stomach hurt not to mention how little nutrition is in that food. The more often food is cooked the less nutrient value it has! I worked at Taco Bell a very long time ago when we actually cooked the beef from scratch and made the refried beans.......back when taco bell was decent. Now the food comes pre cooked in reheatable plastic bags that get thrown in a boiling pot of water to reheat then they sit in the bins for as long as 4 hours. The beans are now powdered crap that they rehydrate.

    We have to get over the idea that fast food is or can be healthy!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I tried those chicken ranchero tacos today. They were pretty tasty!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I agree with the previous poster... we need to get over the idea that fast food is healthy and will work for a healthy lifestyle. They are in business to make money- not care about the quality or nutritional value of the food they are serving you. What kind of quality ingredients can you get for a couple of bucks? A dollar menu item? Makes my skin crawl now. I'm not trying to be the fast food police- it just makes me sad and angry how restaurants and fast food companies use marketing ploys to trick people into thinking that anything they serve is healthy or good for you. It may fit into your daily allowances- but my best bet is the quality of that "food" item isn't going to be what your body deserves.
    We need to start thinking of ourselves as valuable... more valuable than a cheap taco or fast food meal. Just my 2 cents and I promise I wasn't trying to offend anyone... I'm just fed up with fast food places on every corner and seeing the widespread epidemic of obesity they have contributed to. It's taboo to talk about but I bet people wouldn't hesitate to talk about it if it were illegal drugs or alcohol... food is personal.
  • marniehodges
    Think I'll stick to making my own at home so I know what's in them. Used to be a huge taco bell fan until I talked to people who had worked there. Ewww. Sorry all you TB fans.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I agree with the previous poster... we need to get over the idea that fast food is healthy and will work for a healthy lifestyle. They are in business to make money- not care about the quality or nutritional value of the food they are serving you. What kind of quality ingredients can you get for a couple of bucks? A dollar menu item? Makes my skin crawl now. I'm not trying to be the fast food police- it just makes me sad and angry how restaurants and fast food companies use marketing ploys to trick people into thinking that anything they serve is healthy or good for you. It may fit into your daily allowances- but my best bet is the quality of that "food" item isn't going to be what your body deserves.
    We need to start thinking of ourselves as valuable... more valuable than a cheap taco or fast food meal. Just my 2 cents and I promise I wasn't trying to offend anyone... I'm just fed up with fast food places on every corner and seeing the widespread epidemic of obesity they have contributed to. It's taboo to talk about but I bet people wouldn't hesitate to talk about it if it were illegal drugs or alcohol... food is personal.

    I agree...I mean, let's face it....one trip to fast food on a very rare occasion is NOT going to kill you...but yes, there are way too many people that depend on that type of food for every day. Thankfully, most of them now carry "healthier" options...so if fast food is a must, I opt for a salad w/o dressing and a water or diet soda.

    It amazes me how they manage to "pull us in". Why oh why does fat and grease have to taste so good?? LOL

  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    First of eww, the last time I ate taco bell it was nasty and that was almost a year ago. I even ordered fresco and wasn't pleased. Second, sodium is way to high on their so called diet items.
  • erin_89
    I feel your pain. I had two tacos before and I thought " why did I even eat that". I found out that something are not worth the cals
  • mrsdiaz
    mrsdiaz Posts: 29 Member
    Wow ... okay so just in case the point of my post was missed. We all have times where we haven't had time to pack our lunches and/or we need a break from the routine.

    I'm putting stuff up on here so that others are aware of "healthier" options for those types of days.

    Relax, y'all!

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Mmm, Taco Bell! I get the Fresco hard tacos! I used to eat Taco Bell, a lot before I started this. One of my favorite fast food joints!

    And seriously now... going to get some fast food once in a while is not going to hurt you. Please. Some of you really need to stop overreacting. Fast food can be an occasional treat without it harming your weight loss journey. My lord. It's better than the Twinkie Diet! Depriving yourself of your favorite foods can backfire on some people causing them to binge like mad. So I say it's quite healthy to have some dang Taco Bell once in a blue moon.