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  • OysterKat
    OysterKat Posts: 47 Member
    totally love both of those things
  • Maura2389
    Maura2389 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I have been obese my entire life even as a little kid through high school and college. I am now a mommy of 1 hyper, amazing little girl and am struggling to keep up with her. I have done diets my entire life and was very active in sports growing up. However, I never really understood the connection between calories in vs. calories burned. Weight and food is something that my entire family struggles with (we are all obese) and our family centers around the kitchen when we get together. I want this experience and lifestyle change to actually stick and work this time. My family is supportive, kind of, but not in the way I need a cheerleader to be. I love being outside but also love being lazy inside with sweets and salty things. Is there anyone that can help give me a push when I need it and help me accomplish my goals? I will do the same in return. :)

  • erinelissa91
    erinelissa91 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a very unhealthy relationship with both Netflix and Chocolate. At this moment, Reeses Oreos. They are taunting me from the pantry and I think I need to eat them all to get them out of the house, but I digress. We should be friends.
  • GroovyLilHipster
    You say that as if it's a bad thing. LOL 96% cocoa & celluloid rocks my world.