Considering the 10 Day Advocare Cleanse



  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I did not do the cleanse, but I did get sucked into the 24 day challenge, which is similar. Did I lose weight? Yes. Did it stick?? Hell no! Why not?? Because it is not sustainable. You get very litttle calories while doing it. So eventually you need to learn how to weigh/measure/log food and be accountable for what you put in your mouth. Move more, eat less, make sure you have a deficit and you will be successful. It takes some dedication, but it's possible. You don't need a million pills, shakes, fiber drinks, etc. I bet if you ask your advocare consultant exactly what every pill you are taking is doing and what it is for, they won't be able to give you a good, solid you really want to pay and exorbadant amount of money for supplements when whomever sells them to you can't even tell you wha they are for??
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?

    Intereste to see the answers to these questions.....
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    what junk did it clean?

  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    You know what? There are probably forums specifically for people who use these products, no? So why do people try to get MFP to support these whackadoo plans instead of going to one of those forums for validation?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    So you understand that it's unnecessary, yet you still want to do it. I say go for it. You sound like the exact type of person those plans cater too.
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Now, before the comments roll in:

    * I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

    * I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

    * "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

    So! I was considering doing this plan just to hopefully "reset". Like I said above, I've been doing this weight loss thing for awhile, and I will for the rest of my life. I have a healthy appetite and a poor metabolism, but I've always enjoyed being active and frankly I have to be, because I can put on 30 pounds in no time flat. I'm living that fact currently after a near 60 pound loss.

    And what I do know about my body is that I plateau, and that is where I'm located now. Right on top of that flat plateau, and I need something that can just change my weight and hopefully work down from there. If there is any advice, or recipes, or anything that can be offered I would appreciate it.


    I agree with others above. Lift! Eat a balance diet. Give up the fads!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...just in.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Your profile says you don't track any liquid calories. You're probably drinking more of them than you think, despite keeping yourself on a VLCD.
  • thyella
    thyella Posts: 21 Member
    First I think you look great.... what is the advocate cleanse? Is it similar to a couple of bottles of GoLitely which is the cleanse that they use before you have a colonoscopy? Might be cheaper if it is the same but watch your electrolytes. You are right tho if you do one of the fad diets your body will freak and make you more hungry than ever before.

    We aren't really on diets, we are changing how we eat and how we live. The food in your house is how you will feed yourself and your family forever. My idea of food for myself and my children has always been if it is totally natural how can it be bad? Now I have two of four kids battling weight problems in their 20's and hey they love carbs just like me. Rethink the importance of food in your life... eat to live, not live to eat. If you hate traditional exercise find something you like. Volunteer at your local park service to lead hikes. You are outside, people depend on you being there and you exercise, meet people etc. If your single join one of those single event clubs that go river rafting etc. Rock climb. paddle board, the gym can be terribly boring.

    Good Luck whatever you decide, no lecture or judgment. I've been struggling for 15 yrs now and feel your pain.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?

    Intereste to see the answers to these questions.....

    dont hold your breath.
    the question is always asked, but never answered.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?

    Intereste to see the answers to these questions.....

    dont hold your breath.
    the question is always asked, but never answered.
    hahaha-I know...because they usually dont' have any answers....
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?

    Intereste to see the answers to these questions.....

    dont hold your breath.
    the question is always asked, but never answered.

  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Now, before the comments roll in:

    * I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

    * I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

    * "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

    So! I was considering doing this plan just to hopefully "reset". Like I said above, I've been doing this weight loss thing for awhile, and I will for the rest of my life. I have a healthy appetite and a poor metabolism, but I've always enjoyed being active and frankly I have to be, because I can put on 30 pounds in no time flat. I'm living that fact currently after a near 60 pound loss.

    And what I do know about my body is that I plateau, and that is where I'm located now. Right on top of that flat plateau, and I need something that can just change my weight and hopefully work down from there. If there is any advice, or recipes, or anything that can be offered I would appreciate it.

    In my opinion (I don't know the research that's been done) there isn't really such a thing as a "plateau". If your weight loss has stalled/slowed down it's either because you have gotten lax on logging, or it's time to cut a little more to make up for the fact that your body is more efficient at handling calories and doesn't need as much to sustain and perform normal body functions. Now, you're either going to have to cut a little more, or up your physical activity more. Now that I've lost 15lbs, I've had to work out harder to produce the same amount of calorie burns, or eat less food. That's really the only thing that's going to keep you losing at a pace you're use to (even then, it's going to be slower the closer you get to your goal). You're weight loss is inevitably going to slow down, and there's only so much you can cut before you are cutting too much. But a detox isn't going to do anything but take your money.

    Gaining weight after a "cleanse" or "detox" doesn't just happen because of falling back into poor eating habits. If you begin taking in that you deprived yourself of, you're going to store them, and your weight is going to bounce back, regardless of if you over eat.

    What kind of recipes are you wanting? has some great ones :)

    I know you're feeling frustrated, but you haven't really plateaued. I suspect you just haven't adjusted accordingly for the weight loss.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    You know what? There are probably forums specifically for people who use these products, no? So why do people try to get MFP to support these whackadoo plans instead of going to one of those forums for validation?

    Because they peddle this crap and they're looking for a new customer pool.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member
    I figured out how it cleanses ... Senna ... you're going to poop like a champion!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    agree with the suggestions to keep your money and go take up weight lifting. Lifting heavy will do 100x more for your than any cleanse from Advocare or Shakeology or wherever.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I say go for it. If you have any money leftover, buy some magic beans too!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    The only time a 'cleanse" should be needed is before a colonoscopy. Which isn't fun.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I think the only people that will support you here on this site are the ones that actually sell Advocare products.