Breaking the evening snacking habit



  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I actually save some calories just for this reason.

    I've made a habit of saving 200-250 calories for after dinner snacks, because I WILL eat at night.

    My progress hasn't stalled because of it.
  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    Are you really tired at this time? Perhaps you snack to fight feeling tired? If that's the case you could take a nap or go to bed earlier.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    I completely disagree with the idea of "Don't eat after 9 pm" and blah blah blah.. I work 2pm-11Pm and then I stay up until 5-6 am. If that were the case then I'd be the hungriest person in the world. It doesn't matter WHEN you eat, but how much you eat and what you're doing physically. If snacking is making you worry so much then find a chore around the house that needs done, do it and balance your self out. Then You still get your snack but you worked it off.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I try to just eat less during the day so that I can snack at night, its my favorite time to snack.

    That being said I have two thoughts:
    Dont buy those salty chip snacks to begin with, they arent helping you at all. *** I'm sure you or someone would respond with" well I buy them for my family." which is nice, but if you cant keep yourself away from your familys snacks we are back to square one. I'd also honestly say children shouldnt be eating that anyways, but thats just me.

    thought two: If you must buy the snacks for the family try this trick. I'll buy big bags of trail mix (with no candy in it), and bags of broccoli, and things like cheese cubes. I portion them out into little zip baggies, so that when i get the munches I can grab a snack baggie with my perfectly portioned snack and feel no guilt.
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    Some things that I do:

    - have a yummy herbal tea
    - have water crackers and cottage cheese with a sprinkle of spice such as lemon pepper
    - fill in my MFP daily food tracker in advance so I can see if I have any spare calories and can have a treat, or so I can plan to eat less earlier in the day and more later
    - have a low-cal dessert such as a weight watchers mini bar, persimmon, chocolate mousse or yogurt (more for the sweet toothed folk though)
    - ask myself, "can you really not go ONE day without an after-dinner snack?!?"

    You CAN have your cake and eat it too! (So to speak...)
  • MelWilB137
    MelWilB137 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm going to ride along with everyone else here...there is no magic cut off time, eating does not get significantly worse for you after some golden hour. I have always preferred a bigger's what you are eating all day, every day that matters. Don't worry about turning into a gremlin, that only happens if you get super hungry :-)
    If you know you are going to want to snack, I see 2 choices...
    1. Don't allow any at all, close the kitchen, build a new habit (tea, meditating, reading, etc)...nada, zilch. Take it one day at a it won't be easy, but it's a habit, it won't kill you either, just takes planning
    2. Allocate calories toward a nightly snack/treat...know what you are in for and get what you want