Oh no I missed breakfast today



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I eat nothing for at least an hour after waking up and nothing but fruit for three hours. Works for me! :)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I eat a small breakfast every day (oatmeal and coffee) and feel great doing it. I used to not be a breakfast eater but had to start because of some medication that needed to be taken with food and it turns out that my body works best with it.

    HOWEVER, I would never tell someone that they had to eat it or not eat it. Try out different things and do what works best for you.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Should we get started on the subject of first breakfast and second breakfast? That could really blow up the thread. My Grandpa actually ate two breakfasts. He was a dairy farmer and would have a bowl of oatmeal first thing when waking up, then go out to the barn and milk the cows. When he was done with the early morning chores, he would come in and have a second breakfast that included eggs and some kind of meat, then head back out to do more farm chores. Obviously he needed to fuel his body for the hard work he did every day so he ate well at all meals.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    1) In terms of you "making up for it" with another meal before dinner: No. It is not okay for you to "make up for it". What i mean by saying it's not okay is that you can't think of it as making up for it. Think about this. If you miss breakfast and lunch is it okay for you to eat all three meals at one time? No. You'll get sick and you wont feel good about it. BUT if you're hungry then eat! Just try to go for something less in calories like a snack sized option as opposed to a meal or deciding carefully on what that meal is.

    For those who think that it doesn't matter what time of day you eat, well, it does. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it jumpstarts your metabolism. As much as we like to think that our metabolisms are working at the same rate all throughout the day, they aren't. Having a larger breakfast is much better for you than having a larger dinner.

    2) In terms of cardio before breakfast. Yes that's fine but you should still eat breakfast because again, it's the most important meal. But another way you can think of it is, well, you did eat breakfast. Your breakfast was after your workout and it was at chic fil a.

    PERSONALLY - and i'm not saying this works for everyone - but i've noticed that when i eat more of my calories at breakfast and earlier in my day, the better i feel and the more weight i tend to lose than when i don't eat breakfast and eat later in the day only.

    I have ONE meal on the days I eat. ONE. I never have breakfast anyway, I'm not hungry so why eat? Lunch I'm usually busy at work, dinner I am at home & will eat whatever I feel like. Always done that. I think I did kinda well with my weight loss.

    Time of day eating is not important, I workout better without eating

    There is no 'jump starting' your metabolism cause it's always going otherwise you are kinda dead anyway & it does not matter.
  • klinger6395
    klinger6395 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh no ..