Exercise & Motivation Advice

I'm right at the edge of being considered overweight. I've lost some pounds already, and feel great about that, but the only place I seem to gain any weight is in my belly. I feel so down and silly all the time at the way I look, but don't know what types of exercise would be best for me or how to stay motivated. Any advice?


  • dpriceee
    dpriceee Posts: 2 Member
    There is beauty in all sizes and shapes, so embrace yourself and appreciate your beauty along with everyone else's. It is so exciting to hear you are making a healthy journey. Moving your body will help decrease weight and shrink your belly. Building muscle through exercises burns more calories and in turn helps you lose weight. Since you are saying you carry most of your extra weight in your belly, you will see that decrease as you take off the few pounds you are saying that would make you healthy. Measure you belly to see that your efforts are paying off. Stay on the healthy path, friend.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There is no way to spot reduce - as you lose pounds, you will also start losing the belly. A good balance of cardio and all over strength training (don't just do ab work thinking that will fix it) is the trick. Since you're concerned about motivation though, I'll also say that whatever exercise you enjoy and will do consistently will be the right one. It ultimately doesn't matter what you do as long as you get off your rear and get moving. Put on music and dance around, try a few different classes, swim, bike, run, etc.

    Good luck!
  • khd8n
    khd8n Posts: 16 Member
    Unfortunately, spot exercises don't work, so there's nothing you can do specifically to shrink your belly fat. Some form of cardio and full-body weight training is the way to go (along with eating at a deficit).

    The best way I heard it explained was to imagine your body is a sponge. You can't squeeze water out of just a corner of a sponge, and you can't squeeze fat out of just a part of your body. You have to wring the whole thing out! Keep it up and good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The best exercise is something you enjoy doing. Cardio for burning calories and heart health. Strength (or resistance) training for muscle & bone health. Also necessary to help you keep more muscle while dieting. Yoga - for balance & flexibility. Some forms of yoga have a resistance training aspect.

    If you're not sure what you like, try a bunch of things out. YouTube has tons of free stuff. Hulu.com has a fitness channel. Your local library, perhaps your cable provider has a fitness channel. Look for something that you can learn to like. Being fit will help change your outlook.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    The best exercise is something you enjoy doing. Cardio for burning calories and heart health. Strength (or resistance) training for muscle & bone health. Also necessary to help you keep more muscle while dieting. Yoga - for balance & flexibility. Some forms of yoga have a resistance training aspect.

    If you're not sure what you like, try a bunch of things out. YouTube has tons of free stuff. Hulu.com has a fitness channel. Your local library, perhaps your cable provider has a fitness channel. Look for something that you can learn to like. Being fit will help change your outlook.

    ^ Perfect advice here.

    This is exactly what I was going to say - do exercises that you enjoy doing. If you hate it, you're going to stop doing it.
  • JennyGator
    Thanks guys. You don't realize how much a little support can lift your spirits. I really like the sponge reference...that's a good one :smile: