Just need someone to talk to.



  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I agree with others who are suggesting seeking help, and would like to add that a talk with your family is in order. Tell them that their remarks about your weight were hurtful and that your weight is no longer up for discussion. If they persist in pointing out what they perceive as flaws, simply state again that your weight is not up for discussion, then leave. Eventually they will understand that you will not tolerate it. If they are speaking to you out of concern for your well-being, regarding your fears about infertility and disordered eating, then take it as just that. If they only nitpick about appearance, that is the time to leave.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    you need to seek some professional help, ive had the same problems as you and am trying to over come them
    feel free to message me if you need some support but please seek professional help also
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    This is a quote from DancesWithWow...

    Why I want to get in shape
    For me getting in shape has been an act of exploration.. A learning relationship, if you will, that has allowed me to witness and experience a better
    You see 100% of my family have died from or are dealing with preventable lifestyle related conditions. I am pretty much the only one left who because of choosing to be responsible for my well being have been able to advance the positives in my life and nurture them without becoming a victim to bad poor or uneven health.

    Wow..."100% of them have died or are dealing with preventable lifestyle related conditions" how sad
    Maybe he needs to Help His Family, clearly They need it....see how that goes 1st...just a suggestion :huh:
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I've been into similar situation. I was eating below 1000 calories and working out A LOT, so I did lost my period for 5 months. I went to a doctor, he told me that I need to gain some weight. My height is 165cm, I was 48kg when I went to see him - Increasing my calories (at least NET of 1400calories) added more protein/healthy fats and now I weight 51kg and my period is back! So don't be scared it's probably not much you need to gain to get it back! I was worried that I will be fat or something (I know, it's sound so stupid) but 3kgs don't make such a difference in looks, only in healthy way!!! If you want to ask me anything else just message me.
  • Niecytwentyfive
    Niecytwentyfive Posts: 10 Member
    Check with your doctor to make sure that there is no autoimmune disorder present. If all clear, keep focusing on strength training. This will allow for more calorie consumption without the fat gain, plus it boosts your metabolism. It's about body fat percentage, not weight, as muscle weighs three times as much as body fat. A good sugarless high protein shake is good for curbing that appetite. Lean Body ready to drink shakes keep me satiated for hours! If your caloric intake is too low your metabolism will shut down. Keep your head up. We tend to be our worst critics, don't we?...Don't let your life be ruled by fear,anxiety, or criticism from others. Love your self for who you are, and forgive your self for anything that you haven't accomplished yet. Maybe this will make you feel better: I am 5' 2, and I weigh 140 pounds,.. mm hm, I know right? I'm losing fat out of love for my self, not because I hate the way I look. The energy has to be positive. You can do it. You are at the weight that I am on my way to. Don't worry, Once you decide to have a baby that water weight comes off, you'll be just fine. The weight you gained was most likely due to your resistance training, yay! we love metabolism boosting wonderful muscle!