Help! I don't feel like exercising anymore!



  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I don't feel like it either. I should drag my son away from his computer and go hiking.

    Or wash my car. Or weed the garden. Or wash the windows...
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    1. you might want to try a different type of exercise. Even though running has been enjoyable for you, perhaps you just need to change it up for the time being. The best exercise is something that you look forward to doing....and there are so many programs to choose from.

    2. funny thing that you would ask this question today and I watched Zuzka Light's coffee talk on this subject. Here's a link. Check it out. By the way, her ZGYM workouts are amazing.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    Unusual amounts of stress and/or emotional exhaustion kill my drive every time. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now! Be kind to yourself, and if you have to take a week to simply maintain while you get through all this stress, it won't hurt anything. As you mentioned earlier maybe mornings would be better, just listen to whatever your body is trying to tell you.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Take a break.
  • Amberellie11
    Amberellie11 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with everyone above, but also another thought: Are you putting so much pressure and stress on yourself to perform and get into shape that you are sucking the enjoyment out of it and burning yourself out emotionally?

    I know that sounds weird, but its something I am guilty of and have to remind myself to not to do. Sometimes I can get so focused and revolve life and thinking around what I eat and fitness goals, etc. that I eventually go into "burn out mode". I have found the way to combat that is to not put so much pressure on myself and if I am feeling that way, switch it up to do something that can be fun instead of "work". (i.e. instead of going for a run one day, give yourself a break and get the guys together and do something active like ultimate frisbee, soccer, etc.).

    I think sometimes its about breaking the intensity cycle of your thinking, no one can run on all cylinders at all times and sometimes you just need to honour your emotions and say "today I permit myself a break from the routine to do something fun (healthy) instead!"

    It will help keep health and fitness from feeling like a depressing job and turn it into something more fun! :smile:
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Take a break.

    I agree. This has happened to me 2 or 3 times in the last year. In my case it was my (older) body telling me it needed rest. I made myself take a whole week to do nothing but yoga and walking 4 or 5 miles a day. I ate a little more and slept a little longer. That was all I needed,I got back in my groove and felt great. Maybe pushing on isn't the only answer.
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    Your energy dropped becquse your body isn't getting enough energy to sustain exercise and repair. Why would you try to lose weight at a faster rate now when you have already achieved so much succes? Go back to your original 0.5lb per week or thereabouts and keep on running! Don't give up now, you've come too far. Eat more.
  • StevenH74
    StevenH74 Posts: 129
    I am exactly the same (though I was running anything like you were). I am staying up late to watch the World Cup, drinking beer and eating crappy snacks. It has sometimes been 6am before I have gone to bed and then I wake up late, like today and lie on my doing crap all on this bloody lap top! Now England are dismally out though, maybe I can return to some sort of normal life.

    I have set my goal at 1kg per week but have been doing better than that so thankfully my slump has not thrown me off target but not as far ahead as I could have been.

    OK, listening to myself. No more typing. I am getting up (it's 10.30am afterall) and doing something.

    Thank you.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    Maybe switch up your exercises so you can hopefully find one you enjoy more? Make sure you give yourself rest days every week. Also maybe upping your calories a little bit and having some coffee before a work out
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    So, I went for a morning run today! I like the morning air, but I had noooooo energy! :/ Maybe I should try eating a bit more before bed so I have more fuel in the morning?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You should have a week of splurge on food and think about how much weight gain to get you more active.

    I cannot workout fasted mornings. My workouts, there be no carbs to get to the intensity.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Just noticed your water intake is very low, could you be dehydrated, or are you just not logging your fluids. Sometimes when I exercise at the end of the day, if I have not taken in enough fluids that can make running more difficult and I can end up feeling really tired and lacking in energy. You could try upping your fluid intake and see if that helps.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Just noticed your water intake is very low, could you be dehydrated, or are you just not logging your fluids. Sometimes when I exercise at the end of the day, if I have not taken in enough fluids that can make running more difficult and I can end up feeling really tired and lacking in energy. You could try upping your fluid intake and see if that helps.

    cosign. dehydration causes fatigue.
  • Raisingsonshines
    Raisingsonshines Posts: 50 Member
    I am feeling the same.

    Going through personal bull**** is killing my physical motivation.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Before I ever exercised I wouldn't eat breakfast if I didn't want it.
    After I started exercise and losing, my energy left me in the morning during my workout.
    I definitely changed into a perso who NEEDS breakfast if I'm gonna workout afterwards!
    I always include protein and carb- that's the combo that keeps me energized.
    Eggs and wholewheat toast or
    Toast and peanut butter or
    Greek yogurt and musli or
    Cheese and toast

    Try some protein in your breakfast before your workout and see if it helps.
  • Amy4President
    Amy4President Posts: 165 Member
    It sounds like you might be bored with your current routine. Do you have access to a gym? Try weight lifting, or another cardio machine.

    No gym? Check out some workout videos on Youtube.

    Committed to running? Sign up for a 5K, 10K, half marathon and find a training plan to keep you on track!
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    It is interesting that you mentioned this, because I am going through the exact same thing lately!
    My calories are about in a 500 calorie deficit...and I have maintained that despite the low-activity levels the past few days. But HOLY...yesterday, I could barely get myself off of the couch...same today.

    What I did, was that I respected my body, and gave it rest. I took the extra day to relax and I did not get off of the couch and took an extra nap and went to bed early. Today - woke up feeling unmotivated and wanted to relax some more. My body did not really need it - I think it was just getting back on the wagon and stop making excuses for today.

    I did something light, but needed to get done - mowed the lawn. I feel much more energized, and ready to do my workout now.

    ETA - I might even just do stretches or yoga tonight to slowly get back into the swing of things. Also to add - I am also going through grief, which probably contributed to the lack of will power lately.

    This ^^^

    Thank you for posting this!! Often times I know the answer but it's easy to forget and put it off. Doing something light is perfect and really does help you feel energized to do something more. Stretching and Yoga is always awesome for something more relaxing but still sooo good for you. And like some others said, switch up the routine try biking or something else for a bit to add some variety into your workouts.

    I'm in a similar situation. I'm feeling really tired and lazy and have had no motivation. I can list a hundred excuses but I wont, i'm glad I found this post because it's helping to motivate.

    Thanks all and good luck OP!
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Something that works for me is I tell myself I only have to do half my workout. Then, once I'm in it, I end up doing the whole thing.
    That, and sometimes I do take unscheduled rest days.
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Take a break then!...and in a few days you'll be thinking about getting up to run. Listen to your body if it's saying Hey, PLEASE relax. You should listen it's been worked really hard you've had awesome progress...Give yourself that!
  • Back in the 60s & 70s the talk was about love, love, love. Finally, someone got tired of the talk and made a banner that read: "Damn it, DO it!" That has been a help to me, although until I discovered pool exercising, I can't say I really exercised. Do you have access to a pool? Once I began doing water exercises the thought of exercising became far less unpleasant. The water is so pleasant, few people in our pool, and it is quiet. I workout for an hour a few times, and often 5 times a week. There are a lot of websites for this. Or--find a buddy who will workout with you.