Slow-pitch mixed softball

VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member

How would I count my calories for the softball tournament I played in this past weekend? I didn't have a HRM nor really timed how much I ran.

I played about 4 five inning games in total over the weekend. I was outside from approx 1:00 - 6:00 both days.
Typically per game, I batted about 3 times so about 12 times total for the weekend.
only got around base twice in total for the weekend (oh so sad).
I played in right field or as a rover (center field but between outfield and infield positions)
I tried to at least jog to any ball that might be in my vicinity.

So far I've been really conservative in my estimates since I wouldn't say my heart ever got going. I was just wondering how other ladies typically log this activity?

Edited for bad grammar. And yes I know I didn't bother fixing all of the mistakes haha.


  • I play on two different co-ed slow pitch softball teams and usually wear my heart rate monitor during games. I play catcher, so I am moving throughout most of the game. In an hour+ long game I usually burn between 600-700 calories. It varies depending on how many hits I get.

    I'm 36, 5'3", and 159 lbs.

    Hope that helps some!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I play on two different co-ed slow pitch softball teams and usually wear my heart rate monitor during games. I play catcher, so I am moving throughout most of the game. In an hour+ long game I usually burn between 600-700 calories. It varies depending on how many hits I get.

    I'm 36, 5'3", and 159 lbs.

    Hope that helps some!

    Yes, that's great! I'm thinking I would probably burn about half of what you do. I've done back catching before, so at least I have an idea of how much movement that is. Thanks so much!