My mother must hate me:o)

I called my mom to ask what time I should go over to her house to give her a mother's day present. She said she'd call after church. She called and said she wanted to have me over for lunch so I wouldn't have to cook. (How nice right?). I get there and she's bought the biggest bucket meal from KFC:sick: I do not eat that kind of food anymore, the worst thing I eat is sometimes pizza, but never greasy KFC. I started to get heartburn just looking at the red and white box of biscuits. In my head I'm thinking "It's the thought that counts", but I'm also thinking how much longer I'm going to have to run today(as I mentioned in an earlier post it's cold and VERY windy here, which I don't do cold very well:laugh: )
I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat, I know it was thoughtful. I feel physically awful, I have a headache and I'm certain gut rot, I know it's from the crap food. I ate small portions and I took the breading off and ate a bunch of fruit before I ate anything and I still feel sick. It is nauseating to think about how much fat and calories I've consumed. I can't even bring myself to log it yet. I didn't say anything to her, b/c I didn't want to be ungrateful and I've tried to have the healthy food conversation with her before and she replied"We eat very well" and i said "I can see that, but do you eat healthy/" and that was the end of that. I am a little bit disappointed in myself b/c I feel like it's my body/my health*(and my kids) and I should take a stand. I mean I do with everyone else(kid's friends parents, the school cafeteria, etc.) I wish I could say something w/out looking like the crazed health nut.


  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I called my mom to ask what time I should go over to her house to give her a mother's day present. She said she'd call after church. She called and said she wanted to have me over for lunch so I wouldn't have to cook. (How nice right?). I get there and she's bought the biggest bucket meal from KFC:sick: I do not eat that kind of food anymore, the worst thing I eat is sometimes pizza, but never greasy KFC. I started to get heartburn just looking at the red and white box of biscuits. In my head I'm thinking "It's the thought that counts", but I'm also thinking how much longer I'm going to have to run today(as I mentioned in an earlier post it's cold and VERY windy here, which I don't do cold very well:laugh: )
    I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat, I know it was thoughtful. I feel physically awful, I have a headache and I'm certain gut rot, I know it's from the crap food. I ate small portions and I took the breading off and ate a bunch of fruit before I ate anything and I still feel sick. It is nauseating to think about how much fat and calories I've consumed. I can't even bring myself to log it yet. I didn't say anything to her, b/c I didn't want to be ungrateful and I've tried to have the healthy food conversation with her before and she replied"We eat very well" and i said "I can see that, but do you eat healthy/" and that was the end of that. I am a little bit disappointed in myself b/c I feel like it's my body/my health*(and my kids) and I should take a stand. I mean I do with everyone else(kid's friends parents, the school cafeteria, etc.) I wish I could say something w/out looking like the crazed health nut.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I stopped caring what others thought a long time ago. I'd rather look ungrateful than be disappointed in myself for eating something that makes me sick.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    Typically i don't care what others think, but this is my MOM:laugh:
    The woman who brought me into the world, sacrificed for me, grandmother of my children, blah, blah, blah,:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I guess i didn't want to be the arsehole daughter on Mother's Day:smile:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Options say "crazed health nut" like it's a bad thing! You know, I am sure your mom knows you are being careful with your food choices (as you make a point of healthy food for everyone). It was kind of her to invite you, but she could of maybe asked if there was anything specific you wanted/needed at the lunch so you didn't end up beating yourself up about it.

    My mom knows I won't eat what she cooked today so she picked up stuff for me to make kabobs. We compromised....I get a healthy meal and she gets to make a SMALL carrot cake for dessert.

    I stay stick to your guns, you aren't ungrateful you are conscious of the food that you put in your body and what goes into your children. That's a big deal in todays world!

    ***Side note: If I've been eating healthy for a while then eat something not good for body kind of rejects it and gets sick too. Just don't beat yourself up about it or you will make yourself more sick.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Typically i don't care what others think, but this is my MOM:laugh:
    The woman who brought me into the world, sacrificed for me, grandmother of my children, blah, blah, blah,:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I guess i didn't want to be the arsehole daughter on Mother's Day:smile:

    That's where we're different, I have no respect for my mother and could care less :)
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    OMG 370 calories for 1 pc. of chicken :noway: !!!! CRAP!!!! Looks like I'm running alot more than I thought!!!! Geez Louise!!! Curse you KFC!!!!!:grumble:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I am a little bit disappointed in myself b/c I feel like it's my body/my health*(and my kids) and I should take a stand. I mean I do with everyone else(kid's friends parents, the school cafeteria, etc.) I wish I could say something w/out looking like the crazed health nut.

    Don't make me come up there :wink: You're a good daughter. Your body will recover from this, and you get to eat healthy until next Mother's Day, when you will probably plan to take her somewhere healthy or have her to your house for dinner :happy: .

    You are in great shape, Girl. And you did a good thing being gracious.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Typically i don't care what others think, but this is my MOM:laugh:
    The woman who brought me into the world, sacrificed for me, grandmother of my children, blah, blah, blah,:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I guess i didn't want to be the arsehole daughter on Mother's Day:smile:

    I :heart: my momma also. I would never do anything to disappoint her (I did all that in my teens and early 20's...and I did that ALOT), but I have had to have the healthy eating conversation with her. My Dad is not the healthiest guy around, and he's somewhat old fashioned, so Mom is used to making him high calorie full fat meals, which means when I and my little brother come to visit we get the same. (Which is why I spent most of my youth shopping in the boys 'husky' section). Mom understands that if I come to visit, I may or may not eat what she's cooking. It took her a bit to get over that, as she LOVES to cook for my brother and I (and she rocks at it also), but as I have been successful in my weight control endeavor, she has relented. She's even begun cooking more healthy also, just in the case that I or Jake stop by (or so she says, I think she's trying to whip the old man into shape :laugh: ). It still sucks though to go over there and see Reubens and home fries on the stove and realize that I am going to have to make a nice yummy tuna sandwich....:grumble:

    I know that doesn't really help your predicament MK, but know you aren't alone in dealing with family that has their sense of accomplishment derived from how much of their cooking you eat. My thought is, that once I get back down to goal, I can eat some good home cooking without having to worry about it to much. But, until then, I'll have to watch my girlish figure. :wink: :bigsmile:
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    You know my mom does the same thing...I dont know if this is the case with your mom, but I think mine actually tries to sabbatoge me. The other day (after I told her I started back on my diet and was determined to do well) she brings over a slice of strawberry pie saying "I dont want it in the house tempting me" ...oh so you bring it over here to temp me?? Thanks! lol And I can't say anything because she thinks shes being thoughtful and making a nice gesture! So believe me, I know exactly what you are going through. I really think you did fine....have as much healthy food (the fruit) as possible, and then just have a tiny amount of the bad stuff to make her feel better. I know it's like 400 calories on something that's going to kill your stomach, but figure its just one day...have a nice salad for dinner, and you probably won't even have to run extra to burn it off! And you've made her feel good, and you can have all healthy food the rest of the day and tomorrow. I dont think one piece of chicken is going to slauter your diet. :flowerforyou:
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    It really wouldn't be a big deal, except yesterday was my cheat day. My son's bday was yesterday and he had his party at this palce called Incredible PIzza, it's like Chuck E CHeese on steroids:laugh: It has an indoor go cart track and a buffet(not just pizza-pasta, cinnamon rolls,cookies, ice cream, veggies soaked in butter and or covered in cheese:laugh: So now 2 days of CRAP food which never happens:tongue: and rhe fact that I feel so awful, I don't know how people eat that crap all of the time
    Thanks for letting me vent y'all:flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I know how hard it is to stay in your lifestyle when visiting others. BUT, just know that life does get in the way sometimes and in order for this to be a true lifestyle change, we need to take the bad and the good. No, that doesn't mean you have to eat junk food but it doesn't mean you can never eat it either.

    I am with you 100% though. I KNOW I would be sick if I ate that. I am going home to visit my family in July and hope I can eat healthy enough. My dad likes to eat big meals and likes to run to McDonalds for breakfast a lot! I will just go to the grocery store, get some yogurt and fruit and do my thing. Hopefully he will understand.

    The hardest thing for me is going to be resisting my grandpas homemade sausage and sausage gravy with biscuits!! But, I know I will feel horrible if I eat it. I will stick to his homemade strawberry jam on toast :wink:
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Cheer up, it's great to love your mom and not want to hurt her for the's over, you were gracious and you will work out a little extra! And like someone else mentioned, you'll have her to your house next time and treat her to a delicious and healthy alternative! It takes time and it's also kinda nice that others don't think of you and instantly think "she's on a diet, can't eat that..." I know it's hard when there really isn't any healthy choices, but like you said you had small portions and you'll go for a run! Good for you! And happy mother's day!!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    First, that was very sweet of your Mom to think about you on this day. That was nice of her. But...She would more than likely want you to be honest with her and understand and support your healthy new lifestyle!

    So...I'd flat out tell my MOM!!!

    HEY MOM!!! (This is because my Mom reads these boards...) MOM!!! When your computer signs back on when you get back to the states, don't feed me crap!!! OKAY??? There...

    With that being said, I would have probably said, "Could I bring something?" And then prompted the conversation to include a, "So what are we having?" Then even if she said no, I would have brought something like a strawberry salad to share. Filling my plate with that first...then adding the *extra special items* from KFC on the side. :wink:

    This is what my Mother and I would do with each other for the past 353409 years when we would get together and one of us was dieting or healthy eating. We'd alter the menu, or provide a food we wanted.


    Interesting trivia fact...

    I was reading the AOL news a while ago and they had reported that the busiest restaurant on Mother's Day is KFC. I kid you not...I totally don't get it either!!! HU? What Mom is really wanting that, or is it Dad's choice? Even my son said, "Oh ya, ready for your big KFC dinner MOM?" And then giggled at me.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I don't know what it is with that PrincessLaundry, maybe it's the fact she and I use to cashier/hostess at
    Sizzler's a million yrs ago together. I remember times when it was slow, we would sit up at the registers and watch people pile their plates and trays (the tray that's sole purpose was to carry their plates and sliver ware to their tables) to the ceiling with food...uugggg! It's was amazing!:noway:
    But she and I think alike. Everything she said, I was thinking as I read your post. It was very nice of her to invite you for lunch.
    But I too would of asked what was on the menu for the day and what can I bring. Even if she would of said, nothing I would of whipped something up and brought it anyways. Then so I would hurt her feeling I would of said, mom it's your day too and I felt it was my duty to bring something as well.

    MK this is kind of what we were talking about today with our "weird foods". I don't care what people think
    anymore about what I eat . Every time I bring my garden burger with my broccoli or my high fiber veggie wrap to work I have about 5 people say, yuck what are you eating!!! :grumble:
    Oh and get this! We do birthday cakes for "EVERYONE" at work.
    The girl in charge was writing down everyone preference and when I said, strawberries or fruit everyone made fun of me :grumble: whatever!
    I share a birthday with a coworker....why have 2 cakes, like we did last year. Someone suggested we do 1 cake on our birthday and 1 the next day....that is ridiculous. :noway:
    Not to mention there is another birthday 3 days after ours...gggezzzz!
    So don't hold back sometimes you have to just put it out there...that your a "HEALTH NUT" :laugh:
    Happy Mother's Day :flowerforyou:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559

    Interesting trivia fact...

    I was reading the AOL news a while ago and they had reported that the busiest restaurant on Mother's Day is KFC. I kid you not...I totally don't get it either!!! HU? What Mom is really wanting that, or is it Dad's choice? Even my son said, "Oh ya, ready for your big KFC dinner MOM?" And then giggled at me.


    Mmmm, KFC Famous Bowls for all!!! Happy Mothers Day!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member

    Mmmm, KFC Famous Bowls for all!!! Happy Mothers Day!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Thanks SGT
    I have to say, it's more than what my kids got me today...NOTHING!!!! :grumble:
    Love teens!!!:angry:

    But no thanks I'd rather go on not being recognized then to throw up :laugh:

    MF sorry about that comment...I know your tum tum is about ready to explode :tongue:
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    That is the worst! I have a lot of friends and my mom ask me to go to restaurants all the time. At least then, I can try to steer them toward a certain restaurant, and look up the nutritional stuff online first. Or try to eat a little snack before we go.

    But when someone shows up at my door and "surprises" me by bring over food, or I go to someone's house and they have ordered lunch for us, that is the worst! It is really hard to wiggle out of it, and I always end up eating some of it so that I don't hurt anyone's feelings, or so that I don't have to explain "I don't eat that" and sound so picky and spoiled. It's hard though, because I am really trying not to eat certain foods. I can't eat some foods in moderation, so it is all or nothing! Some days I can hardly eat anything for dinner because of what I had for lunch!

    You sound like you did an excellent job, though. You ate healthier options, only splurged a little, and even if you don't exercise, tomorrow is another day!

    Good job, and Happy Mother's Day!
  • fynendandi1
    fynendandi1 Posts: 122 Member
    Well I had to work on mothers day and did not get to be with my children or my mom. My ex-husband di not have my daughter call me and wish me a happy mothers day so basically I had a horrible day. I am commited to changing my life style and am doing very well but if I had to eat cheesecake all day long just to be with my family today i would have.

  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    My mother was always a good one to nurture everyone with food.:heart: Her way of showing love. Trust me you didn't want her to fill your plate for you, she would stack it high and over flowing. and if you finished that she wanted to you to go get another helping. :noway: She grew up in the depression and food was very scarce for her growing up. If you were to eat at your moms often then It would be good to talk to her other wise, she was just showing her way of nurturing as most moms do. Happy Mothers Day.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Oh CycleDiva! That's right! I had the cook even totally alter the recipe of the Maui Chicken for me to put the ham and cheese on baked chicken, no bread, steamed veggies no butter! LOL

    I don't know if I ever did the buffet other than maybe for a salad? How funny...


    Oh wait...back to what is your goal for tomorrow to help you feel better about today?