Exercise becoming harder???

I was wondering if anyone else has plateaued right out of the gate? I feel like my regular workouts are becoming harder instead of feeling stronger and in better shape. I walk up hill and run back down burning about 550 calories over 35 min. The problem is that I am just starting out so I'm having trouble balancing pushing myself too hard and feeling fatigued and not doing enough to keep up my heart rate. Either way, I'm seeing no results and actually feel more tired and winded earlier in my workout.....


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Feeling fatigued like that can be a sign of over-training (doing too much too soon). An easy test for that is to take 1-2 days off from all exercise, then see if you feel better. Try it and post your results.

    How many calories do you average per day, and what is your BMR?