Anyone using the UP24?

Hello to everyone on MFP, is there any other people syncing there MPF account to their UP24 account. Looking for a team of motivated people to help increase goals and achieve results.


  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    I am :smile:
    Not sure how to add people through it though.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Not sure how to add people through it though.
    You need to know someone's full name or e-mail address. You can also add your contacts from Facebook & Twitter.

    From the menu (the three lines in the top left corner), go to "Team." Then click the icon in the top right corner.

    You can find Jawbone teammates in the Jawbone UP Bracelet group:
  • orchunn
    orchunn Posts: 4
    Add me orcun yesilyurt
  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    Ok, please add me- Tara Ramsey
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I have been using UP for several months now to track my steps and workouts. I plug it into my Android and it works great. I don't think the UP works well with I phones. My niece (an IPhone user) came in less than half of what I was showing and we were step to step.