Flippin' out about my weight gain

Dear community,

I think I'm just flipping out over my weight because I weighed myself at night and I've had to stay off my foot for that last four weeks.
I weighed myself about a week ago or two ago. I was 164lbs. Tonight, I was 168bls. I've been following my nutrition schedule, and I should be down to aleast a 162lbs. I know I shouldn't go by scales..... I'm just worried
If I'm not going to loose anymore or it going to take forever to get to a 155bls


  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    It looks like your diary is closed to public?

    Usually and I know this is hard to believe, but not losing means not being in a deficit. This happens often by udner-estimating your calorie intake or over-estimating your calorie expenditure through exercise.

    Are you weighing your food? Are you logging really every single thing you are putting into your mouth, including all drinks and innocent looking cookies? How long have you been dieting- you know it takes time and patience?

    Weight gain could also happen by water retention due to either exercise or too much sodium! Are you close to your "monthly days"?

    If you open up your diary we could try and help you a bit more.

    Hope you see a result soon!

    Best of luck
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Weight loss fluctuates it's not linear

    Don't weigh yourself on a night - do it in the morning

    If you weigh yourself more often it will give you a better idea of fluctuations

    Measure yourself instead of relying solely on the scales

    You've been bench from working out? Changes in routine can cause water weight

    Unless you've been way over eating you haven't gained the weight back
  • Janaglass32
    These comments really help--thank you!!! I freak out too much sometimes.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    These comments really help--thank you!!! I freak out too much sometimes.

    To put it into perspective; I weigh daily to see trends.
    I yo-yo'd between the same 1-2 pounds for several weeks, then finally dropped them the other day. I'm now back up 3lbs. Nooo way I could have eaten 10,500 cals in surplus of maintenance in that period. Same with my birthday weekend. I think I "gained" around 5lbs. But I also drank, and ate sushi and barbeque that weekend.

    Just remember that true weight gain comes from eating 3,500 calories over maintenance. If you see a huge jump in a short period of time, it's most likely water!
  • Janaglass32
    Thank you everyone. I just weighed my self again this morning and I weighed 163bls so I'm really happy to know it was only the time of day I was weighing myself and I was freaking out over nothing. Thanks for all your comments and support