Transitioning from a "fad diet" to sustainable lifestyle

hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
Hello all!

I initially lost my first 30 or so pounds from the whole "Herbalife" thang.. I still have another 20 pounds to lose, but I'd like to start transitioning away from being dependent on something that I don't see being a forever food staple in my life.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can start transitioning away from it and still continue to lose weight? Anyone BTDT and had success to share?

My biggest concern is breakfast. I never ate breakfast prior to starting the shakes. I need something delicious and under 300 cals that can either a) be whipped up in literally less than 5 minutes at home and eaten on the road or b) thrown together in the break room at work in less than 10 minutes with a microwave. Anyone have any good breakfast of champions suggestions?


  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I have a protein shake for breakfast, that I make myself at home using a blender bottle. I use protein powder, almond milk, and water (or black coffee), sometimes I add sugar free flavored syrups. Has been working for me for almost six months.

    I have never done Herbalife and so have no idea about other transition issues. Good luck!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Could you make your own shakes in the morning? Some fruit, yogurt, protein powder, and nut butter would make a delicious smoothie.

    Overnight oatmeal. This is oatmeal you make in a mason jar or cup the night before, grab the next morning, and go. You can find recipes on Pinterest or by googling "overnight oatmeal recipe."

    I cook on Sunday for the week. I make scrambled eggs with kale, spinach, and tofu. I use egg subs so it isn't as high calorie as using real eggs. I grab one each day, microwave it at work, and then enjoy.

    Egg muffins. You mix up eggs and other ingredients (bacon piece, spinach, onion, garlic, turkey sausage, whatever sounds good) and bake them in a muffin tin. You can freeze them in individual serving bags and grab a bag on your way out the door. When you get to work, put them on a plate and microwave for about 30 seconds, then enjoy.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Food scale if you don't have one already (don't be like me, spend the extra ten and get the digital). The last bit is a PITA to lose, so you need to be exact.

    As for breakfast on the go, why not leftovers from the night before?
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    If you are in such a hurry that you need to eat on the road a shake may continue to be a good idea. Doesnt have to be herbalife, a simple protein powder mixed with your choice of milk/juice and yogurt/fruit.

    You could also make porridge in the microwave at work. Or make your own granola at home (there are versions that use very little to no oil), and top a yogurt with it at work.

    One of my favourite breakfasts at the moment which is nice and quick is some toast topped with mashed avocado and a slice of ham. Yum!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I like leftovers for breakfast.

    For good "how-to" information, read this:
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    You should consider green smoothies. You'd be surprised how easy it is to hide the "green" flavor under some fruit, and it's really nutritious.

    1 cup spinach (tastes a heck of a lot better than kale or collards in here because it's sweeter. Trust me - fresh spinach isn't anywhere near as awful tasting as cooked spinach!).
    1 cup mixed frozen fruit (use frozen so your smoothie doesn't get hot in the blender - the yellow/orange colored fruits seem to work best with the greens, IMO)
    1 banana (these are really crucial - bananas hide all kinds of flavoring sins)
    Add water/milk/almond milk/coconut milk/coconut water for consistency. I use about a cup of water because I don't like thick smoothies. My husband probably uses about 1/2 cup.

    I also do what xcalygrl does with eggs in muffin tins. You can make a ton on Sundays in exactly the calorie portions you want, and then reheat them all week! Only recommendation is to let them fully cool before refridgerating. Otherwise you get a lot of condensation in there, and they can get soggy (which you can then fix in the oven if you have the time and inclination).

    Good luck!
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    Sounds like I need to buy a blender. :)

    I am SO EXCITED to make egg muffins now!
  • candyinmyheels
    candyinmyheels Posts: 34 Member
    smoothies are great in the am. i usually do 1 cup soy milk, 1/2 cup yogurt, and 1-1.5 cups of whatever fruit i have on hand. sometimes i add grated fresh ginger.
    for a faster prep, sometimes i do a bowl yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts (super fast).
    I had a roommate who used to make her smoothies the night before, and keep them in the fridge overnight.
    I also LOVE overnight muesli in the summer. you soak the oats overnight in milk or soymilk, and then add fruit/nuts in the morning. I do a variation of this recipe:
    for one portion, i put 1/2 cup of rolled oats in a bowl, add soy milk just to cover it, add 1 t agave syrup cover the bowl, and leave it in the fridge overnight. in the morning i add 1/2 an apple grated, a handful of cashews, a small handful of sunflower kernels, and 1 T of dried cranberries. and sometimes i add other fruit (peaches are amazing!!).
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I agree with smoothies. If you are like me and don't like oatmeal, I like the cream of wheat packets, it takes like 2 minutes in the microwave, make it with unsweetened almond milk instead of water and it taste great.

    You could also eat a protein bar and some fruit for breakfast.

    For my smoothies, I add berries, water/almond milk/lemonade (depends on my mood), and spinach. Sometimes if I'm feeling jazzy, I'll add in a little sherbert, and you can add protein powder to kick up the protein. I use EiDoPro which is flavorless. I got it off of Amazon. I highly recommend it if the taste of protein powders bothers you.