Really really frustrated :(

Hi everyone, I haven't posted here til now but I really think I need a push in the right direction. I started my aim of getting fitter/healthier/smaller in October 2012. Between then and January 2014 I'd lost 40kg (88lbs), I cut out a lot of things I read that I should, fizzy drinks, processed meats, white bread, etc. I quit smoking last June and I still haven't picked one up since. So things were going well. Then in January I joined a gym. A couple weeks later I was in hospital three times with a migraine that lasted for 3 weeks, I couldn't go to the gym or work out as much for those weeks because the pain was so intense I barely slept. I got back into it slowly and started going every day, this was also when I started doing strength training. In the end, after lots of tests, MRI scan, etc, we found out I had a really severe sinus infection which has been causing the pain so I was put on really strong antibiotics for two weeks and I've found over the last couple of months things that seem to trigger the sinus pain - chocolate, bread, wine. So I've tried to avoid those.

Anyway - my problem is that since January, I've put 10kg back on! I'm pretty sure this is a lot to put on in six months, is it? I just don't understand why its happening. I could be eating better but I'm not eating terribly. A few people (fiance, family, doctor, trainer) have told me I wasn't eating enough, so I have been making the effort to eat more, just small and often. I measured my stomach the other day and 7.5cms (3 inches) have gone! My stomach, arms and thighs are firmer and I'm feeling so much better in myself, but the scales are still up :(

I have been doing strength training 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week, but the last week or so I have been doing just cardio as I was losing really well before I started the strength training and wanted to see if it would work. No sign of it working so far. I've been doing interval running and cycling. I'm not there with the running yet, I managed a 15 minute run of 1 minute walking 2 minutes running the other day. I was walking at 4-5kmph and running at 6-7kmph, so just jogging really. Yesterday I stepped it up a little and ran at 8-9kmph but put it down to 1 min walk 1 min run.

I'm just so frustrated. I have no idea how many calories I should be getting, this calculator online told me that my Basal Metabolic Rate is 1894. I don't know what to look for on food labels, how much protein/carbs/fat I should be getting. I want to make long term changes, not just diet. I've been swapping things like I cook with coconut oil now, I drink either skim or lactose free milk (I have a slight intolerance), lactose free cheese, when I do have bread which isn't often its wholemeal, I drink green and iced tea. I don't really drink alcohol very often, maybe every few months. I'm just really lost and feel like I need some guidance but I don't know who to ask, all my doctors say is 'eat more, get lots of exercise' but eat more of what? and as for exercise, I'm in the gym every day, and at the moment because of this frustration I'm even planning on going twice a day, before and after work.

I'm just really tired of feeling like I'm making progress and then the scales telling me actually I'm heading back to where I started. I'm on Metformin...I'm wondering if its stopped working, I've been on 1500mg a day since October 2012, I'm not diabetic, I have PCOS.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Kez x


  • gerritvb
    gerritvb Posts: 2
    Measure with tape measure, not scales only. At some point you can gain muscle while losing fat and still gain weight.
  • I have...its coming off slowly. Just can't understand why not on the scales, in fact on them its the opposite. :(
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator

    I'm just so frustrated. I have no idea how many calories I should be getting, this calculator online told me that my Basal Metabolic Rate is 1894.

    Kez x

    A really great calorie calculator is

    A few things:

    BMR (basal metabolic rate) = the amount of calories you burn in a day simply being alive
    TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) = the amount of calories you burn in a day once you take into account movement and exercise

    these are both important numbers to know when setting up your plan

    To lose weight you simply need to eat less than your TDEE. It is also usually recommended to eat above your BMR. To find out how many lbs you will lose in a week with a specific intake do TDEE - daily intake = daily deficit *7 (days in a week) = weekly deficit / 3500 (number of calories in a pound) = lbs of loss per week

    You will notice there will be some variation between the Scooby reccomendation and what MFP calculates, that is because the calculators work differently:

    MFP calculates your calories based off of your daily activity and subtracts calories from that to create a deficit based on you weight loss rate you selected in your profile (ie 1lb/week, 2lb/week, whatever your selected there). You then add your exercise in on the day your perform it and MFP gives you more calories.

    Scooby takes your TDEE, the amount your burn daily plus whatever exercise you put in weekly, and averages that across the whole week. In the Scooby method you eat the same amount evey day reguardless of exercise. Scooby also creates your deficit as a % of your TDEE, to calculate out what this is per week take your TDEE - suggested intake X 7 = calorie deficit for the week. Divide that by 3500 to get the lbs you will lose in a week. Since the overall deficit is not necessarily the same (% of TDEE vs lbs/ week selected in MFP method) that will account for some of the variation.

    Hopefully that all made sense, if not please let me know what I can clarify or feel free to friend or message me.

    As for what to eat and when to it, it does not really matter for weight loss. Weight loss is simply a factor of calories in versus calories out. Fot more specific fitness goals you might need to adjust your macros and eating habits but for the time being I would suggest finding a good calorie goal for yourself and get used to logging your foods. Logging is essential, you need to log everything you eat every day or else you can not truely know what you have eaten and what the effects will be. If you are not experienced with MFP this is a great post about logging accurately:

    ~best wishes
  • you should look into whole 30. It's a book called it starts with food. It really teaches you how to eat and what to eat.
    I did it back in may and lost 8lbs but felt great. I continue to follow the eating guidelines and have maintained my weight since then (haven't been exercising much due to some knee issues). I'm strongly considering doing it again just because I felt so great.
    Whole 30 is also on pinterest, facebook and instragram with really good meal ideas.

    just a suggestion :smile:
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    It's quite possible your BMI is dropping, you could be losing body fat with the extra strength training. Muscle retains more water so the fact that your not losing weight but are losing inches could be partially from that.

    For the initial weight gain if they put you on a steroid for the sinus infection that could have caused a gain.

    If you're eating healthy, working your muscles, taking at least 1 rest day a week you'll be fine just keep plugging along.
  • Thanks everyone :) I measured again this morning and I've lost 5 inches in the last few weeks. So I feel better...just going to have to be patient I guess and work all this food stuff out, its all so confusing to me :/