Calories In VS Calories Out Question



  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    He said that the body would not be able to process all 24 cupcakes and you would not gain as much weight.
    I've often wondered but then again it doesn't make much sense that the body can't process some food due to food timing. Assuming you don't vomit it up, the body does process it. Why would it excrete caloric matter due to an excess of it? That's what fat cells are for-- storing excess calories for later times of famine (or for between meals).
    your body only has so many enzymes that can break down food, if the amount of food coming in exceeds the amount of enzymes that can be releases withing a certain time in your digestive system some food will come through only partially digested, leaving calories unabsorbed.

    think of corn going through. if it had more time in your digestive tract then you probably wouldnt see kernels in your poop, but food gets processed at a certain rate so it passes as whole for the most part

    no this is false with corn.there is a difference between cupcakes (which ARE digestable just a matter of time) and corn. the shells of corn kernels are actually indigestible and don't entirely break apart when you chew either. so - and this may be gross - its not the corn you're seeing come through your body undigested. it is just the shells filled with poop.

    Who exactly was tasked with picking out the "shells" and inspecting the content inside? I'm sure some scientist somewhere had to do this to find that out...
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    All that sugar will circulate in your blood and cause havoc to all of your major organs as well as your hormones. In the end will cause you to gain weight the following days (1-5 days) later.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    no this is false with corn.there is a difference between cupcakes (which ARE digestable just a matter of time) and corn. the shells of corn kernels are actually indigestible and don't entirely break apart when you chew either. so - and this may be gross - its not the corn you're seeing come through your body undigested. it is just the shells filled with poop.
    i could be wrong but i think given enough time corn would get broken down eventually (even if it took a year), this may not ever happen but i was just using it to illustrate a point

    as with any basic chemical reaction you need a certain ratio of reagents to complete the reaction. in this case the reagents are the cupcake and enzymes in your digestive system. if the amount of enzymes needed to fully break down the cupcakes exceeded the amount that your body is able to produce/excrete into your intestines then there will be cupcake that isnt fully digested. the speed at which food moves through your digestive tract depends on a number of factors including how much food is being eaten among others but your body doesnt have the ability to tell if food is fully digested or not, it just moves through the system like a conveyor belt, first in first out
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Are we talking about eating at a surplus for a day vs eating at a surplus consistently over 24 days? It wouldn't matter if it was a cupcake or almonds, if you consistently eat at a surplus over the course of 24 days you are going to store fat...

    Eating at a surplus, even a significant one for a day isn't going to amount to a hill of beans...the body is very adept and utilizing excess energy; it is chronic excess that is going to result in gaining fat. You could eat 3,500 calories over your maintenance for a day and you aren't going to put on a Lb of fat for that day...that's just not the way it works...your body is going to find a way to mobilize and use that energy in the short run.

    The body's natural tendency is maintenance...It takes a consistent barrage of overeating to gain fat just as it takes a consistent barrage of under-eating (dieting) to lose fat. You'd probably put on some water weight with 24 cupcakes in a day though...but it would be quickly flushed out when you were done metabolizing everything.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    Yes your body cant gain that amount in one day but eating 7000 cals above maintenance which leads to 2 pounds gain in one day and then getting back to normal eating lets say 500 cal deficit or maintenance over the week there will be a calorie surplus unless u did a really drastic weekly cycle a typical male on a good workout routine etc will multiply his body weight in pounds by 15 to get his maintenance calories ex 200 pounds x 15 = 3000 calories per day over the week that's 21000 calorie for maintaining if u ate for one day 3000 cals + 7000 ( from cupcakes ) = 10000 calories in just one day now u have 6 days left / week to eat 11000 calories which means ur gonna starve ur self for the rest of the week in order to avoid fat gain and will probably eat more the next week due to the starving days . so its not smart to eat that amount in one day however u can get easily get away by a refeed or cheat day where u eat about 1000 calories above maintenance
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I would think the nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting from eating 24 cupcakes would keep you from gaining weight.

    So that's the answer: The Cupcake Diet™


    That was my thought as well. I would applaud anyone who could eat 24 cupcakes in one day in addition to their normal food intake and keep it all inside.

    I think I could do this. Ultimately we're talking one to 1.5 cup cakes per hour. Kind of like sitting down with a pizza and mindlessly eating the whole thing over the course of a day

    And if the body could only process so much excess calories at once, this could mean there's a maximum amount of fatness one could achieve. Fat chance!!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I would think the nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting from eating 24 cupcakes would keep you from gaining weight.

    So that's the answer: The Cupcake Diet™


    That was my thought as well. I would applaud anyone who could eat 24 cupcakes in one day in addition to their normal food intake and keep it all inside.

    I think I could do this. Ultimately we're talking one to 1.5 cup cakes per hour. Kind of like sitting down with a pizza and mindlessly eating the whole thing over the course of a day

    And if the body could only process so much excess calories at once, this could mean there's a maximum amount of fatness one could achieve. Fat chance!!
    not if that maximum number of calories exceeded the average TDEE, which even for a 400 lb person is less than 4000 calories

    agreed that 24 cupcakes in a day isnt exactly hard. id wager that a couple people on this site have done it before. i probably could but im not a huge fan of cupcakes
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    better yet...
    Why not eat a cupcake daily and fit it into your daily goals??
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    better yet...
    Why not eat a cupcake daily and fit it into your daily goals??
    Because it is a thought experiment regarding calories in, not a diet plan.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    better yet...
    Why not eat a cupcake daily and fit it into your daily goals??

    The whole conversation stemmed from cleaning up after a potluck at work. Some one was trying to get people to take home cupcakes (because she made way too many) and someone told her to just take them home with her. She said she wouldn't be able to eat them all before they went bad because of her diet. That's when he said just eat them all in one sitting. And then the debate was on!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I might need to make some cupcakes and try ... for science of course
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    better yet...
    Why not eat a cupcake daily and fit it into your daily goals??

    The whole conversation stemmed from cleaning up after a potluck at work. Some one was trying to get people to take home cupcakes (because she made way too many) and someone told her to just take them home with her. She said she wouldn't be able to eat them all before they went bad because of her diet. That's when he said just eat them all in one sitting. And then the debate was on!

    Ah, ok
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    My view on it.
    You eat more calories than you need....your body will store as fat, til it can oxidize it.
    If you stay at or over maintenance.....then, prolly a good chance it will not get around to oxidizing that fat.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    How big are these cupcakes?

    I am open to be a test subject on this matter!
  • VoodooChummy
    VoodooChummy Posts: 53 Member
    There are two separate processes in digestion the Mechanical and Chemical. In theory if the body does not have enough enzyme to chemical break down the food and absorb the calories in the small intestine the mechanical/physical process of digestion still continues and like mentioned before it would be passed through the system before it could be used in any way including fat storage.

    It is thought that some people have more or less of these enzymes and the questions would be:
    1) Does this person have enough enzyme to break it down before passing it?
    2) is 24 cupcakes enough physical food to cause this?

    It might turn out that they can chemically process all but the last two so they technically only saved 600 cal total over eating in any other combination. Technically the original statement is true however, over the course of a week that 600 cal can get lost in the shuffle easily and you'll still see a lot of weight gain.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I would tend to believe this. I don't have any particular study to back it up nor do I know where that line lies but clearly you can take this to more and more extremes.

    Make it 48 cupcakes and 48 days for example. Assuming each day that single cupcake is over your maintenance level I fully believe you would put on more fat eating 1 cupcake a day for 48 days versus 48 all at once. I figure there is a limit to how much your body can process in a given amount of time and that it would be possible to overload that to the point where you end up just dumping unused calories.

    That said I can't imagine a way you would put this to practical use while dieting.