I did it! I gave up Coke Zero!

sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
I never thought I could do it. I had a serious addiction.

I've completely given up processed foods, all grains, and nearly all refined sugars (still have a bit of dark chocolate). As healthy as I'm eating, I was still drinking Coke Zero. Well, I started cold brewing tea, which tastes amazing, and I lost the taste for Coke. So I gave it up, and the next day I couldn't function, I thought I had the flu. Nope - caffeine withdrawal :( I had no clue I was so addicted. So I drank one and felt better, but it tasted gross and I felt bloated from the carbonation. So then I tried coffee...I like coffee, but I need it super sweet. Even cold brewed iced coffee. Plus, I enjoy tea more, so having to drink coffee took away my tea time (I drink at least 3 pints of tea a day).

I found the perfect solution.......Dark chocolate covered espresso beans. 3 beans has the same amount of caffeine as a can of coke. I eat them a few ties a day, they taste delicious, and voilà! No more diet soda, no caffeine withdrawals!!

(I do plan to wean off caffeine, but I'm currently studying for the NY bar exam and there is no way I'm going to try to give it up now.)

Just thought I'd share in case anyone else is trying to give up diet soda! (Not trying to insight an aspartame debate :)