Starting Raw Vegan :)

Hello everyone :). My name is Naomi. I am 23 years old and I have been overweight my entire life. I have been yo-yoing with weight for the past couple of years, but I believe I have found the solution. As of January first I decided to be Vegan for ethical and moral reasons, but in doing so I became a carboholic. Not to mention it quickly became an excuse for me to eat whatever vegan junk foods I could find. BUT, as of today I am starting a raw vegan diet 3-4 days out of the week. Only fresh fruits and veggies :). I can't go wrong there lol. So, here's to a new start!!!!! <3


  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    Just make sure you reach all your macros and stay near your calorie goal.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm vegan too and I try to eat a mostly raw, low fat/high carb diet.
    I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, some grains and starches.
    Lately I've been on a kick of steamed greens with sweet potato, smoked paprika. Yum :)

    It gives me a bunch of energy and the food is so delicious!
    Eating too much fatty food makes me feel oily and slow.
    But peanut butter is my vice >___<

    Send me a request if you like :)
    I have a lot of vegan friends on my list and we share support and recipes~
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    It sounds like that would be very low calorie and very little protein, which isn't actually very healthy.
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    make sure you do the research.. its one of those things you don't want to really just do without it... Get your b12 supplements and omega 3 supplements pretty quick... Ground Flax seed works for the Omega 3 but the b12 you need to buy in a supplement form
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    I was vegan for 10 years, switched to ovo-lacto about a year ago for the sake of my wife. I used to do a raw only diet for about 2 weeks every summer. I found that I was never very satisfied with a majority of my meals, particularly dinner. If you've found that you aren't a very good vegan (lots of oreos and pasta), you might find it difficult to keep up. If you try it and it doesn't work, then you might try the middle path and make a conscious effort incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies into 1 or 2 meals per day (fruit and nuts for breakfast and a big salad for lunch for instance), and then you'll have freed up a lot of calories for some more carbs and protein at dinner (pasta, soy "meats", tofu, brown rice, etc)
  • cheegerz
    cheegerz Posts: 26 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    being vegan can be very healthy IF you learn all you can about nutrition. be sure you get enough complete proteins.

    btw, you can easily be overweight eating vegan AND raw. it's not a miracle cure for weight - you can eat plenty of fats and extra calories.
  • MissCreepyLovestruck
    MissCreepyLovestruck Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone for being so concerned and helpful. I have been Vegan for six months now and even on an unhealthy vegan diet I feel 100% better. I have done my research and I feel confident that doing half weeks of raw vegan will only further benefit me. I will be taking a vegan B-12 supplement, though it is not related to my veganism. My B-12 levels have been low since childhood. I am excited about this :). Thank you again to each and every one of you!!!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    being vegan can be very healthy IF you learn all you can about nutrition. be sure you get enough complete proteins.

    btw, you can easily be overweight eating vegan AND raw. it's not a miracle cure for weight - you can eat plenty of fats and extra calories.
    Calorie is a calorie

    Eat within your targets, a deficit is all that's needed to lose weight.

    But hit all your macros for health benefits.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Hey! I am Raw Till 4 and I love it. Raw vegan is wonderful and I am glad you have already done research. That's the key to lifestyle changes.

    I love MFP for the app and the community but... Hate to say this but as far as making sure you meet your nutrient goals, is much better. Highly detailed break down of micronutrients etc. (even the specific ammino acids, minerals, etc) and their pie chart option is a nice visual. I use both sites but I would really recommend crono for vegans.

    If you are worried about protein there are several raw protein powders out there now. I like Garden of Raw vanilla on days I do lifting or just in the mood for a creamy smoothie.
  • cheegerz
    cheegerz Posts: 26 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    That's exactly what I said..... and eating animal products might be the 'easiest', but it's not the healthiest or kindest to the environment. You can be compassionate and still get enough protein. Humans can live perfectly healthy lives independent of using animals as a food or nutrient source. The benefits of veganism far outweigh the cons. Yes, you have to live a more structured lifestyle and plan your meals out, you have to get acquainted with the nutritional content of your food... but anyone on this website should be well aware of that and should be doing it anyway. Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label, and keeping tabs on the macronutrients you're getting or not getting, and adjusting accordingly. Those are the keys to success.

    As far as protein goes....... One word. Beans.

    Or if you want more words.... Peas, kale, quinoa, nuts/seeds, nut butter, almond or soymilk... :) There are a lot of foods out there.
  • cheegerz
    cheegerz Posts: 26 Member
    And to add to what other people said... of course you can be vegan/vegetarian and still be fat. :P There are unhealthy and indulgent foods in every single one of the food groups. Just take it easy on them. You'll be golden!
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks everyone for being so concerned and helpful. I have been Vegan for six months now and even on an unhealthy vegan diet I feel 100% better. I have done my research and I feel confident that doing half weeks of raw vegan will only further benefit me. I will be taking a vegan B-12 supplement, though it is not related to my veganism. My B-12 levels have been low since childhood. I am excited about this :). Thank you again to each and every one of you!!!!

    Try Plant Based Vegan vs Raw Vegan. It is more restrictive than Vegan and likely a bit more healthy than the regular Raw Vegan.
    It is explained in the Forks Over Knives movie or books.

    Good Luck to you.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    That's exactly what I said..... and eating animal products might be the 'easiest', but it's not the healthiest or kindest to the environment. You can be compassionate and still get enough protein. Humans can live perfectly healthy lives independent of using animals as a food or nutrient source. The benefits of veganism far outweigh the cons. Yes, you have to live a more structured lifestyle and plan your meals out, you have to get acquainted with the nutritional content of your food... but anyone on this website should be well aware of that and should be doing it anyway. Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label, and keeping tabs on the macronutrients you're getting or not getting, and adjusting accordingly. Those are the keys to success.
    That's pretty one-sided.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    luckily though they have found out most people overeat protein and it turns out you don't need nearly as much, so it is now easier to get enough protein through vegetable sources
  • louise294
    louise294 Posts: 27 Member
    look up raw til 4- freelee the banana girl :) Lots of people finding this to be a sustainable way of life, getting lean and fit, while never being hungry, including myself! Its about keeping low fat and high carb, no junk food, just real clean eating. Minimum calories rather than maximum. Weight loss is seen as just another part of bodily healing, no it isnt going to be instant, but long term the results are amazing. Check her out on youtube
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    That's exactly what I said..... and eating animal products might be the 'easiest', but it's not the healthiest or kindest to the environment. You can be compassionate and still get enough protein. Humans can live perfectly healthy lives independent of using animals as a food or nutrient source. The benefits of veganism far outweigh the cons. Yes, you have to live a more structured lifestyle and plan your meals out, you have to get acquainted with the nutritional content of your food... but anyone on this website should be well aware of that and should be doing it anyway. Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label, and keeping tabs on the macronutrients you're getting or not getting, and adjusting accordingly. Those are the keys to success.
    That's pretty one-sided.

    ^agreed. Add to that the (false) assertions that it's healthier for the human body, more ethical than other diets, and better for the environment and I just have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. Plants are sentient (check out the latest research on behaviour, communication, life strategies), mono-culture of grain crops is destroying the environment far more than responsible animal husbandry ever could (research "nutrient cycle"), and no human society was ever known to be fully vegan (or none that survived long enough for anthropologists to be aware of). However, modern CAFO are UNACCEPTABLE and I totally understand when people choose to avoid those foods (there are other options!)

    OP: Your food choice is your business, just do lots of research and gather information from vegans, past and present. I'm sure that some people have figured out a healthy vegan diet, but it takes a lot of effort. Also, you will generally feel great at first but over the long term, if you are chronically missing vital micro-nutrients, you may have difficulties. (Lierre Keith and Denise Minger were long-term vegans and their experience is worth checking out imo.)
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    luckily though they have found out most people overeat protein and it turns out you don't need nearly as much, so it is now easier to get enough protein through vegetable sources
    Are you sure of that?

    Pretty sure the majority of people are under-eating on their protein macros.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    That's exactly what I said..... and eating animal products might be the 'easiest', but it's not the healthiest or kindest to the environment. You can be compassionate and still get enough protein. Humans can live perfectly healthy lives independent of using animals as a food or nutrient source. The benefits of veganism far outweigh the cons. Yes, you have to live a more structured lifestyle and plan your meals out, you have to get acquainted with the nutritional content of your food... but anyone on this website should be well aware of that and should be doing it anyway. Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label, and keeping tabs on the macronutrients you're getting or not getting, and adjusting accordingly. Those are the keys to success.

    As far as protein goes....... One word. Beans.

    Or if you want more words.... Peas, kale, quinoa, nuts/seeds, nut butter, almond or soymilk... :) There are a lot of foods out there.

    it's a myth that the vegan diet is healthier than an omnivorous diet. Humans are omnivores. A vegan diet that imitates the nutrient profile of a balanced omnivorous diet can be healthy, although you still need to supplement vitamin B12 and it's a good idea to supplement some other vitamins as well, and iron (the non-haem form of iron found in vegetables is not so easily absorbed by the body as haem iron (i.e. from meat))....

    also, humans needed an industrial level of technology before veganism was even an option, due to the fact that it's extremely difficult to get enough protein from plants only without modern intensive agricultural methods and the ability to transport food around the world. Both of these things increase someone's carbon footprint. Without this, and vitamin and iron supplements, humans actually do need animal protein for survival. Veganism is something that's possible because of advanced technology, and it's debatable whether it's more ethical than meat eating, on account of the larger carbon footprint.

    Anyway, vegan for ethical reasons I have no issue with, providing people are taking care to get all the nutrients their body needs. Claiming that it's nutritionally superior to an omnivorous diet is what I disagree with. Also, I have been vegan in the past. And vegetarian. And eating chicken and fish but not red meat. And you know what diet I feel healthiest eating? One that includes lots of red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy and fresh fruit and veg (and other foods in moderation, but those are the ones I consider staples). If I had to pick what I consider the most essential components of those, I'd go for red meat, fruit and vegetables.