
Please help ! I have been losing weight for the last 12 months approx. I have currently lost 8.9kg and am nearly at my goal of 9 stone. But and there is always a but, the last few months have been a nightmare. I just want to pick at everything. I currently have between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. For breakfast I have a weatabix and 100ml of almond milk, for lunch I have a feta couscous about 300 calories and then an evening meaning but I am very careful about what i eat. I am now hungry all the time and just want to pick at biscuits and rubbish. Please help as I feel like I am going to put on all the weight I have lost.

I have a family and am on a tight budget but I am in need of help!


  • cew3028
    cew3028 Posts: 32
    I found myself in your shoes recently. My solution: exercise. Not light walking. Heart pumpin, OMG did I really just complete that exercise. I use Jillian Michaels videos. Requires very little to no equipment. When I finish I find I'm not all that interested in food. May not work for everyoe, but has gotten me back on track. Good luck, hang in there!
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    How much water do you drink? I've found that sometimes I think I'm hungry, but after a glass of water feel better. Our minds are odd sometimes.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Please help ! I have been losing weight for the last 12 months approx. I have currently lost 8.9kg and am nearly at my goal of 9 stone. But and there is always a but, the last few months have been a nightmare. I just want to pick at everything. I currently have between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. For breakfast I have a weatabix and 100ml of almond milk, for lunch I have a feta couscous about 300 calories and then an evening meaning but I am very careful about what i eat. I am now hungry all the time and just want to pick at biscuits and rubbish. Please help as I feel like I am going to put on all the weight I have lost.

    I have a family and am on a tight budget but I am in need of help!

    Are you sure you're eating enough? Your breakfast and lunch combined appear to be around 550 cals. You must either have a very large dinner, or you're snacking, to even reach 1200 cals.

    I would advise you to increase your calories. As you approach your goal weight, it's going to take longer to take those last few pounds off, and an aggressive deficit is not sustainable. It causes symptoms exactly like you're experiencing. Also, part of your goal is to make this weight loss sustainable, and easing back into normal eating by keeping a lower deficit is very helpful for that. Try recalculating your TDEE and cutting only around 250 calories from it.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    My 5 generic tips for hunger:

    First thing to do is to make sure your calorie goals are set appropriately for your size and activity level. Way too many people have their goals set too low and then wonder why their bodies are trying to tell them something.

    Look for foods with lots of protein, fat, and fiber in them. These help keep us fuller and more satisfied longer. If you're using MFP's default numbers, try to get into the red for protein every day.

    Drink plenty of fluids. Some people really do confuse thirst for hunger.

    Play around with your meal timings. Some people do really well on 6 small meals a day and others do better on 2-3 larger meals. Meal timing/eating more frequently/eating or skipping breakfast won't affect your weight loss. It may affect your hunger levels, mood, gym performance, concentration, etc. Don't be afraid to play around and find what works for you.

    Last, sometimes you just have to wait it out. If you're eating enough, drinking enough, not cutting out any major food groups, etc. then sometimes you just have to wait for the body to catch up. The body sends you hunger cues partially out of habit. Give it a couple of weeks and it will get used to the idea of not sending them out as often.