I beat my Coke Zero addiction!

sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
(Also posted in Food and Nutrition, don't think that was the correct forum)

This journey started out with a weight loss goal, and morphed into a healthier lifestyle. I have no processed foods in my diet, no grains, and very little refined sugars (<10g/day).

But...I just couldn't' kick the Coke Zero. Well, it was starting to taste bad and the carbonation made me feel bloated, so I cut it out. And then about died (not really). I had NO ENERGY. Then I realized how much caffeine is in that little can and that I am addicted :( I'm currently studying for the NY bar exam so no way am I going to try to kick that habit right now. I tried switching to coffee, but that cuts into my tea drinking ( I drink 3+ pints of loose leaf cold brewed tea a day, and 12 oz of almond milk).

Soooo I started eating dark chocolate covered espresso beans! 3 beans has the same amount of caffeine as one can of coke and they taste amazing. (That's my only source of refined sugars, looking for the healthiest option, Premier Gourmet only has one brand :/ Gonna try Trader Joe's, one just opened in my area.)

Just had to share, in case anyone is trying to quit diet sodas but needs the caffeine! (Not trying to start an aspartame debate :)


  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Yea! That's great :-) And hard to do I know! I was "addicted" to Diet Coke, and the health benefits of quitting for me was an amazing surprise. After doing an elimination diet because of constant headaches for 10+ years, intestinal problems and chronic fatigue it all turned out to be caused by my excessive Diet Coke and artificial sweetener consumption. Headaches were gone only after 3 days of quitting and have not come back :-) The other issues gone within a week or two. I now get my caffeine mostly from Tea when it's needed.
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Hello my name is Stephanie and I'm addicted to Pepsi Max!

    I dont think I could eat espresso beans! I have given up the pepsi now I've had one in about 5 weeks where I was drinking them daily. I dont really crave it any more either l athough last week I did and I had one but now the cravings gone and I'm not having any more.

    I have however replaced with coffee ... I have never liked coffee :/

    Keep up the good work!! Its not easy to get off the stuff when you are so used to having it xx
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