How to learn to dance for the tragically uncoordinated?

I'm not sure if there are other people who listen to music and would very much like to be able to dance to it, but haven't the slightest idea how. It seems like a wonderful form of exercise - you get your body moving and your heart rate up, and it's fun and the music distracts you from even realising how long you've been moving. Unfortunately, I'm so tragic I can't even play two hands on the piano. My brain can only focus on one thing at once and if you tell me to do one thing with my hands and another with my feet I'm likely to fall on my face ='( even when doing only one thing my movements are so jerky and stunted. So, it's possible that the closest I'll ever manage to come to dancing is karate, but I figured it would do no harm to ask. Anyone have any advice? Was ever in the same situation? When people say 'just listen to the music and move your body' like it's so easy I wonder if I'm the only one born without this magical ability XP


  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    As a fellow dancing-challenged individual, I suggest you do what I do: Get extreme social anxiety and avoid all situations where dancing beyond the slow swaying type is a possibility.

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    This used to be me. Go to a club that has music you like, and observe people on the dance floor. Find someone with a style similar to what you would like to have. Try out some of their moves. Find another... try some of theirs... put these moves from different ppl together to form sort of a basis for technique. After a while of doing this, when you get comfy with it, you will develop your own variations and create your own style. Wear shoes with chunky heels at the outset while learning, so you don't wipe out on stilettos. Some dance floors are slicker than they should be and I have gotten plenty of bruises on my butt lol!!!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also watch youtubes of people dancing. There are a lot of women demonstrating cool moves that you can try at home before you even hit the club. Some of the best ones are by professional strippers, honestly. I watch them from time to time to pick up something new if I feel like my moves are getting stale.
  • Spiegelchan
    Spiegelchan Posts: 78 Member
    Lol, any links? And I'm not old enough or American enough to get into a club /: