Looking for friends and motivation \(^o^)/

Hi everyone,

I'm finally taking a serious stance to change my lifestyle for the healthier. YAY! I'm sure a lot of you are on the same page - which leads me to why I'm here. I want to meet people with similar goals and the fact that all of you joined MyFitnessPal indicates some modicum of seriousness.

The majority of my friends say I don't need to change, but the fact is....I am overweight according to indicators like Body Fat % or BMI (both of which aren't the most accurate indicators, but still useful as guestimations). The reason I want to lose weight is not because I want to fit in a size zero or be skinny, but because of health reasons. My blood pressure is not great right now and instead of prescription medication, losing weight seems like a better alternative for decreasing it.

Losing weight comes with a lot of benefits like dropping dress sizes and wearing pretty clothes (a lot of asia-sourced clothes are in one-size ...small). Not that I'm saying medium-size apparel is not pretty, but they're often the first ones to go. Also, not a fan of my double-chin which is why I'm so camera-shy....limited camera angles to hide it (I get teased about it a lot...with love, but it still hurts). I love working out and I would love to show off an athletic, toned body one day. It's the diet and habits I have to fix. Hence the need for accountability. Anyway, hope to meet some people who could share this journey with me!

Cheers! :D:flowerforyou:
