True Love

All this world is full of such
inexplainable beauty.
Children are the soul
of our future
They give light in the
dark corners of my heart.
I don't have any children yet
And one of my ultimate dreams
in life is to be a mom.
My nieces and nephews are so
Talking with them and being
in their presence makes
me so happy.
I've never known another true love
like I feel for all of them.
How is this possible?
I love them more than I can possibly
love anything else...ever.
I want them to feel love in all
of their tiny lives
To feel it pulse through their veins like
an unforgettable hunger.
I want them to know truth
And always make wise decisions.
Being their Aunt Tena has been
a special gift.
I'm the one that feels fortunate
to be a party of their lives.
If I had one day or one moment left
in this crazy, beautiful, f*cked up life,
I would choose to be with all of them.
I'll take them with me to forever
and beyond.