Why you might need to rethink eating 6 meals per day!



  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I think the only thing that interested me in this article was the note that increased meal frequency tend to lead to increased hunger. I've often wondered about that. I wait to eat breakfast until 10 or so (I get up at 6 a.m.) and have found I'm only really hungry once I start to eat. I naturally eat several small meals a day because I'm starving, but each meal is 200-300 calories. I've often wondered if I would feel less hungry if I just ate bigger meals less frequently.

    Can confirm that, at leasts for me, eating often sparks off hunger, or at least cravings. Snacks and small meals aren't my thing for this very reason. I prefer to eat well and let a good, sizeable meal carry me over for a long time.