I know 1,200 Cal is low, but what if..



  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    I couldn't lose on 1200 cal. so I went up to 1400 and now I am losing weight! Sometimes your body will go into starvation mode and it hangs onto the weight it has!

    I've never stopped losing weight no matter how low I went.
  • madbrainDotCom
    madbrainDotCom Posts: 193 Member
    Ultimately, it is the net calories that matter.

    You can eat the exercise calories back. But one problem is that it's very hard to really know accurately how many you burned during exercise. There are machines that help like HRM, displays on treadmills, etc, but they are only estimates. It will vary between individuals. Whereas the calories in found are much more accurate and known, if you measure properly.

    For that reason, I wouldn't try to exactly eat back the amount of exercise calories you estimated.
    I only eat back if I feel hungry after exercising; otherwise I don't.
  • alondrasilva10