What am I doing wrong?!?!



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I know I'm getting body re-comp because I DID go down two sizes (from size 16 getting loose to 12 a bit snug).

    Holy #$%^ woman. This is HUGE! Who cares about the pounds, this is something you should be proud of! I had about a 6 month plateau where I lost 11 inches and didn't lose a pound. I really think you are replacing fat with muscle. I eventually started dropping off weight. I think after you build up enough muscle, you will start losing again. Keep it up! You are doing great.

    Edit: I don't know what slow paced cardio is. I would recommend you do some high intensity training since that burns calories nicely.

    It's really comforting to know someone else has gone through a six month Plateau. I really was starting to think I was the only one.

    I know, I'm usually one who will gladly not worry about the pounds, and after a couple months the scale moves and that's all fine and dandy.

    But it's really hard to shake that mindset after six months.

    Dear body, please just drop into the 170's, even if it's 179 so the logical part of my brain can rest well at night knowing some progress has been made. I know you're working hard and burning fat and getting us compliments, making us have more energy, run faster, jump higher, swing swords harder, add more weights to the barbell, but somehow I cannot push it through my think skull that progress has been made when the numbers don't reflect that.

    Also, I really suck at measuring myself with a tape measure. The tape measure actually says it's went up. I've had multiple people do it with multiple tape measures, and each time the numbers are wildly random. I am curvy, so there is a lot of room for inperpretation on what exactly is a waist line, bust line, thigh area for measurement. That's why I've been focusing on the clothing sizes.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. Everyone. I'll stay with it.

    I need to explore the HIIT thing, possibly sprints.

    I can dig what Alyssa says about it being time to up my game.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member

    Good Luck with everything!
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? if so, how are you estimating those burns? I'm on my cell so it's a pain in the butt to try to view your diary, so that's just a guess. for a long time last year I wasn't losing, and was only eating back a, portion of my earned calories. Well it turned out, I was over estimating big time (and was using my polar too!) So it can happen.
    Also, food scale is my best friend. it's very easy to under estimate when using cups or spoons.
    Either way, your doing good. Losing sizes is great!! I'd much rather drop sizes then weight anytime. Nobody will ever know your weight by looking at you, so why should it matter so much?
    Last week I read a thread that women my height where posting their weights and pants sizes. Most where about 115/125 lbs. I weigh 135 but wear the same exact size that they did, even though I weigh more. I posted that I wear a size 4, weigh 135 and am 5"8. So what that they weigh less.

    I agree with this, I'm 5'8" and just at 139/140 and I'm a size 4. I used Medifast to help slim down initially (I was stuck at a plateau too, and this worked for me) and then really hit my Insanity videos and running (3-8 miles 3 x a week) I went from 174 to 138 and I cant imagine being able to get to 115. I think we all have different body types, and that accounts for it too.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? if so, how are you estimating those burns? I'm on my cell so it's a pain in the butt to try to view your diary, so that's just a guess. for a long time last year I wasn't losing, and was only eating back a, portion of my earned calories. Well it turned out, I was over estimating big time (and was using my polar too!) So it can happen.
    Also, food scale is my best friend. it's very easy to under estimate when using cups or spoons.
    Either way, your doing good. Losing sizes is great!! I'd much rather drop sizes then weight anytime. Nobody will ever know your weight by looking at you, so why should it matter so much?
    Last week I read a thread that women my height where posting their weights and pants sizes. Most where about 115/125 lbs. I weigh 135 but wear the same exact size that they did, even though I weigh more. I posted that I wear a size 4, weigh 135 and am 5"8. So what that they weigh less.

    I try really hard not to eat them back, but if the workout is hard and I'm feeling the need I will eat back %25-%50 of them.

    I don't go off what MFP says for the logging.

    They advise way, way, too much for each exercise.

    I do 100 kcal per mile.

    100 kcal per 20 minutes swimming, sword fighting, lifting, Parkouring... etc... not the 396 calorie burn MFP will try to give me.

    But I do use the scale, religiously.

    I even carry to my boyfriends house on the weekends, bring it too the table and hide out like a freakin' weirdo waiting to be the only one in the breakroom at work to use it if I need too.

    It's actually kind of embarassing.

    Good. Those things are all very important. Your on the right track, since your still losing inches. It will happen for you!!I really do remember how discouraging it was and frustrating. The struggle is real! :-)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    Do you recommend certain macros?

    Can you tell me what they are and why you recommend them, and perhaps provide links for further research?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? if so, how are you estimating those burns? I'm on my cell so it's a pain in the butt to try to view your diary, so that's just a guess. for a long time last year I wasn't losing, and was only eating back a, portion of my earned calories. Well it turned out, I was over estimating big time (and was using my polar too!) So it can happen.
    Also, food scale is my best friend. it's very easy to under estimate when using cups or spoons.
    Either way, your doing good. Losing sizes is great!! I'd much rather drop sizes then weight anytime. Nobody will ever know your weight by looking at you, so why should it matter so much?
    Last week I read a thread that women my height where posting their weights and pants sizes. Most where about 115/125 lbs. I weigh 135 but wear the same exact size that they did, even though I weigh more. I posted that I wear a size 4, weigh 135 and am 5"8. So what that they weigh less.

    I try really hard not to eat them back, but if the workout is hard and I'm feeling the need I will eat back %25-%50 of them.

    I don't go off what MFP says for the logging.

    They advise way, way, too much for each exercise.

    I do 100 kcal per mile.

    100 kcal per 20 minutes swimming, sword fighting, lifting, Parkouring... etc... not the 396 calorie burn MFP will try to give me.

    But I do use the scale, religiously.

    I even carry to my boyfriends house on the weekends, bring it too the table and hide out like a freakin' weirdo waiting to be the only one in the breakroom at work to use it if I need too.

    It's actually kind of embarassing.

    Good. Those things are all very important. Your on the right track, since your still losing inches. It will happen for you!!I really do remember how discouraging it was and frustrating. The struggle is real! :-)

    I honestly can't wait until Aldi has the food scales again, I'm going to buy three, a spare for home, one to keep at my boyfriend's and one for work.

    Toting the scale around is for the birds, but I'll do what I have to do, for now.

    They carry them for only $10, but you better buy it when you see it because it will be gone next time you go in.

    I've had one from there that's lasted years.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Bump Bump Bump for info on Macros
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    I knew you were struggling with the scale numbers, but I didn't realize you had dropped so many sizes! That is awesome!

    If you know you're in a deficit (no matter what you're eating), and you're getting smaller but stronger, just BREATHE and tell your brain to shut up about the 170s because it will happen.

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Bump, bump, bump to see if I can get any feedback during business hours.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    My advice (for what it's worth) is to give it one more month (I know, I KNOW). Keep doing what you're doing, and at the end of the month, assess your weight, measurements, and clothing fit.

    Another thought: Have you gone to the "Reports" section to check your weight over the last 6 months? There could be a downward trend you're missing despite how the numbers seem all over the map.

    Just throwing this in here. :smile:
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    We have very very similar specs. I lost then gained again when I started working our harder. I eat at my calorie TDEE which now mirrors MFPs calorie recommendation and I work out 4 times a week (there are weeks when I only get in three sessions) and it seems like the scale will not move off of its current number. I have been at it for months and still nothing.

    It gets frustrating but you have to keep at it and keep going. I have a trainer that I am working with and I am watching my food intake, as I have been doing all along.

    The scale will move, I know you don't want to hear that as it sounds generic, but it is true. I want you to look for a post on this site that talks about staying the same size but moving or dropping down in clothe sizes like you are doing. Your body is likely packing on the muscle now and burning off the fat, hence why dropped from a 16 to a 12, so keep it up.

    Eventually the evidence of the fat loss will come on top of the muscle gain and you will not only see your body comp change you will see it on the scale. Be patient it may not happen for a number of months yet. Just keep eating 'right' and working out.

    Good luck. Hope to see you at the finish line!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thank you all. I think you are right, and I will just stick with it.

    When I look in the mirror I look leaner, and more and more clothes I've having no other option than to retire.

    I'm buying cutle little skimpy things and looking good in them.

    I just... I just...
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    1st off congrats on the weight loss. Super Job..

    going down 2 dress sizes is progress. BUT...I'm seeing a 1334 dinner. Not sure what it is but it's 1300 calories in your stomach late in the day. You seem to eat pretty good but you could try a few things...

    1. Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. Or...even out your meals and your snacks. I like about 400-500 calories per meal and few hundred for snacks.
    2. Are you tracking your sugar. Sugar gets turned to fat by your body. See how much sugar you're eating.
    Fruits...I wouldn't eat 3 bananas in a day. Try the berry family for fruits and none after 2 pm.
    Also...get your protein up.
    1 last thing. Dump the muscle milk for a cleaner protein powder. 3 serving a day has more arsenics and metals than is allowed by the FDA. Get some Optimum nutrition / Garpari or something cleaner.

    Keep up the good work but tighten up the belt in a few places. Hope this helps
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Clothing sizing these days is really a mess. I can see how people with different weight wear the same size...my favorite brand is famour for its generous sizing but others may not be so generous...Even the same brand, sizes varies all the time. I recently find myself wearing 2 size smaller in the same line but ...my old clothes are still very tight. :brokenheart:

    a friend of mine is like 30 pounds lighter than me but we sometimes wear the same size on top because she like wearing it big and loose...while I prefer fitted.

    Measuring with your own clothes is better metric than comparing with other people's size...IMHO.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    1st off congrats on the weight loss. Super Job..

    going down 2 dress sizes is progress. BUT...I'm seeing a 1334 dinner. Not sure what it is but it's 1300 calories in your stomach late in the day. You seem to eat pretty good but you could try a few things...

    1. Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. Or...even out your meals and your snacks. I like about 400-500 calories per meal and few hundred for snacks.
    2. Are you tracking your sugar. Sugar gets turned to fat by your body. See how much sugar you're eating.
    Fruits...I wouldn't eat 3 bananas in a day. Try the berry family for fruits and none after 2 pm.
    Also...get your protein up.
    1 last thing. Dump the muscle milk for a cleaner protein powder. 3 serving a day has more arsenics and metals than is allowed by the FDA. Get some Optimum nutrition / Garpari or something cleaner.

    Keep up the good work but tighten up the belt in a few places. Hope this helps

    Unfortunately, I can't eat a huge breakfast without feeling sick, and I can't eat a small dinner without being miserable, hangry and restless at night. I love the big dinner. It stays. I don't really think calories can tell time, anyways. These large dinners are after large workouts. I couldn't take in a 500kcal dinner after burning 300 calories and be satisfied. I wish it would show the times of my workouts in the journal, so it would make more sense why I have the big dinner. Also, I work all day, so the majority of workouts and eating happen post business hours. Sorry not sorry! Gotta do what you gotta do to earn a living, you know.

    I think it would be a good idea for me to track the sugar, that could have something to do with it.

    I could try a different protein. I have another from Sam's club, I just use the Muscle Milk because it tastes so creamy and delicious. I tried a vegan one awhile back and it really made my tummy hurt. I work well with the Whey varieties, though.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am looking at your diary....

    You weigh/measure everything...but you log like you don't

    1cup of avocado...not weighed
    butter not weighed 0.06cups is 1tbsp...
    Lunch meats in slices
    bacon logged in slices
    Paleo ice cream...1 serving
    cheese not weighed
    salmon burger not weighed (might be from a box but that doesn't matter)
    I see oz measurments instead of grams...if you weigh why not use grams?
    I see starchy veggies in cups
    Generic entries 1 whole fruit
    granulated stevia logged in 0.19cup
    beef brisket logged as 0.5 piece
    cup cakes not weighed
    pie not weighed
    protien powder logged in scoops
    spinich dip not weighed
    macaroni salad logged in cup

    I saw other items but assumed they were homemade and you used the recipe builder.

    Now this list might seem a bit OCD but if you are weighing you need to start logging like you are weighing...

    For example 1 cup of avocado...calorie dense food
    cheese in cups again calorie dense food
    Why use oz at all use grams it is more accurate
    Even packaged food as the calories etc are not always 100% on those.

    If you can't find entries in grams make them or edit existing ones for your use later.

    When you look at my diary 98% of the items are in grams and those that are not are weighed I just haven't gotten around to making my own entry...ie egg whites...scanned in using phone app but weighed out and I weigh out my eggs too...large egg is suppose to e 53grams...I find they are anywhere from 52-58g...I weigh them and you will see 1.09 egg..because it was 58g.

    As well using oz weights leaves a lot of room for error.

    IMHO there is enough room for error here to question if you are eating in a deficit. For me personally same stats as you when I started here...5 ft 7 179lbs...I ate on average 1750 calories a day and I am currently sitting at 152 after 1 year...I have lost over 20inches and gone down from a size 16 to a size 6...and if you compare our two food diaries there are significant differences in our entries....

    If after 6 months your weight hasn't moved and you have tried different eating methods, you exercise and are careful with that it's time to look at your logging...not just weighing but your logging...the entries you use, the measurments you use when logging etc.
  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
    I know I'm getting body re-comp because I DID go down two sizes (from size 16 getting loose to 12 a bit snug).

    You said it yourself^
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Try eating less processed foods and eat fresh fruit and vegetables. The stuff you have chosen is full of sodium. I checked you diary and you cant maintain this way of eating for life.
  • JenMaselli
    JenMaselli Posts: 83 Member
    Doesn't sound like you're doing anything "wrong." I hate this mindset of wrong/right. Also, I don't like how people are picking apart your food diary like, oh you overate this one day. One or two days will not make a difference and I think it's more helpful to look at it over the course of like a week or so. Some days you're over, some you're under and some you're right on. It evens out over time. Also, please eat back at least some of your exercise calories, you need them. Also, I think MFP underestimates calories burned for certain things, they are often under what my run trackers give me for calories burned - I don't wear a heart monitor or anything, though, so that's just my guess but at my weight I burn about 100 calories per mile and MFP doesn't give me 300 calories for 3 miles, but whatever.

    I didn't catch what type of exercise you do but if you are not running you should try it, it is a great, great way to drop weight. I recommend hot yoga also as a way to burn calories and detox your body. Also, this is not backed by anything other than my own opinion, but you might be at the point where you should drop your calorie intake a little if you want to keep going. I started at #159, 1200 cals per day, running and yoga (and eating back all my exercise calories) and pretty quickly got down to 130. I occasionally eat fast food and often go off the rails on the weekends, but I just keep going. I gained about 9 lbs back recently and so I'm back on the plan now, 1200/running and it's coming off again. Not saying you should drop to 1200, I have a pretty small frame and do not seem to burn calories easily.

    Oh, and for people who say eat your big meal at breakfast and a small dinner - that's BS. Eat the calories whenever you want, doesn't matter. I'm like you - I save up my calories to have more at dinner so I can get through the evening without snacking. Good luck, keep on keeping on.