I would like some advice :)

Can anyone here take a look at my diary and tell me if I should be doing anything different?

What is your favorite thing to eat that is still pretty low in calories, either savory or sweet?



  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    It's great that you're eating lots of healthy and unprocessed foods, with lots of vegetables. Today's intake looks awesome! :)

    For future reference, when eating snacks, it's better to pair a simple carb with a protein/fat source, compared to eating the carb by itself. An example is fruit which is digested very quickly (it has a high glycemic index [GI]) , which leaves your body feeling hungry sooner. So pair the fruit with a handful of nuts or slice of cheese, etc. The fat will keep you fuller for longer, and your overall intake will be lower. In general, it's better to eat foods with low GIs. But before or after a workout, especially weight lifting, it's better to eat a high GI food like a banana which will supply your body with an easily digestable energy source. To learn more about GI: visit http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=32

    You could also consider asking a nutritionist whether it'd be helpful to adjust your macros so that you eat more protein than carbs. There is a lot of evidence supporting paleo or primal oriented diets. I try to eat fewer carbs than before, and notice I have more energy. But you should consult with an expert before making drastic changes to your nutritional intake.

    One of my favorite side dishes to make for dinner is mashed cauliflower. It has practically the same consistency as mashed potatoes but is a lot healthier and low-caloric!! Thoroughly steam one head of cauliflower and several garlic cloves, then use food processor to blend it with some almond milk, butter, salt/pepper, and chopped herbs. Frigo string cheese is my favorite snack - only 80 calories and it has the best "string" texture!
  • AcademicusMaximus
    Can anyone here take a look at my diary and tell me if I should be doing anything different?

    What is your favorite thing to eat that is still pretty low in calories, either savory or sweet?


    Look pretty good. But honestly your fat intake is too low. 30g isn't enough to maintain healthy bodily function. The recommended fat intake at its minimum is about 1g per Kilogram of body weight. For example I am 65 kilo I should eat around 65g of fat a day. Low fat is great because you can eat larger meals, but prolonged periods with not enough fat will effect your energry levels, digestion, and metabolism. Swap some of the non-fat items for full fat, or eat a couple handfuls of almonds or walnuts everyday. Make sure your getting at least 50g of fat a day, most dieticians would recommend more than that! Do not use a fat% (such as 20% of my diet) your body needs are not based on percentages but totals. and your total fats were to low a few days I saw
  • joebooth28
    joebooth28 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I am going to adjust what I eat to add some fats into the diet. I love almonds!

    Mashed cauliflower sounds awesome. Thanks for the suggestion...
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    This time I year I snack on a lot of berries or snap peas. They are so delicious when fresh and in season. Or, air-popped pop corn with enough salt to take care of the salty cravings I get.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Two suggestions:

    Instead of eating the low fat foods, eat regular fat and eat less/fewer of the items.
    You could cut your bread products to half what you are eating now and add more fresh or frozen vegetables. You will feel better.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    Yeah, I would say you need some more fat in your diet, good fat that is lol. Besides that it looks very good. You could do some Omega 3 pills to add the extra fat in if you don't want to add a bunch of calories.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    When I get a sweet craving I love Weight Watchers frozen snack size chocolate fudge bar. Only 45 calories!! Really does the trick.
  • joebooth28
    joebooth28 Posts: 55 Member
    Those sound great, Thanks!