This is what makes me just want to quit...



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And regardless of your husband's attitude, it's up to you to let it make you feel terrible. You are the one that is letting things get to you.

    I disagree. He clearly meant to make her feel badly. Some people are just *kitten* and when they say something hurtful, it's not the victim's fault for being hurt by it. What kind of backward logic is that? Your overall message was good, I just find this to be totally wrong.

    So it's not up to you to be hurt by what someone said or to let it negatively effect you to the point you want to give up? You are saying that you have no control?

    It's not backward logic. Yes, people can be *kitten* and will say things to hurt you. Facts of life. But it's up to you on how you take it and let it affect you.
  • LSinVA
    LSinVA Posts: 60 Member
    And regardless of your husband's attitude, it's up to you to let it make you feel terrible. You are the one that is letting things get to you.

    I disagree. He clearly meant to make her feel badly. Some people are just *kitten* and when they say something hurtful, it's not the victim's fault for being hurt by it. What kind of backward logic is that? Your overall message was good, I just find this to be totally wrong.

    So it's not up to you to be hurt by what someone said or to let it negatively effect you to the point you want to give up? You are saying that you have no control?

    It's not backward logic. Yes, people can be *kitten* and will say things to hurt you. Facts of life. But it's up to you on how you take it and let it affect you.

    I don't have control over what someone will say or how much it will hurt. You didn't address the effect, you were referring to the fact she got hurt to begin with. I don't know specifics but speaking to your spouse that way is abusive and can be totally counterproductive.

    I said I liked your overall message. She should definitely get on it again and not let it hinder her to the point she continues to not exercise. However, I fall short of pinning the blame on her for how she feels about it.
  • mahletost
    mahletost Posts: 5
    Thanks for all the positive comments. I took my 3 yr old, took the dog and went for a good old fashioned walk. I didn't burn a ton of calories but I did SOMETHING. I was active and I feel better. That along with the 10 minutes I did get on the elliptical is sufficient for me. I tried. Thanks again guys, you are all so supportive. :)

    I agree with the comments about your husband needing to be supportive. Honestly I can't stand the elliptical Walking is the easiest and one of the best exercises out there. I also have EA Sports active trainer on is absolutely fantastic. Full body exercises at your own pace, schedule and intensity. It works wonders. Both my husband and I use it...can't say enough about it. Stay motivated, never doubt yourself and remember you're doing this for YOU. Good luck.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    repeat after me...

  • redhatorade
    redhatorade Posts: 41 Member
    @taiser... YES!!!

    The repair guy was here once for a rubbing issue and a creaking issue. It took them a week to send the part, another week for him to come out. The rubbing and creaking started back up the next day. Called them again, he swore it was just the control arm, and that it was no biggie, we could use it until he came back. Another part ordered, another week to two week wait. Now, I about bust my mouth when this thing just takes a crap right under me. I swear I could have really bit it. I can really relate to your story. Same thing.
  • redhatorade
    redhatorade Posts: 41 Member
    @taiser... YES!!!

    The repair guy was here once for a rubbing issue and a creaking issue. It took them a week to send the part, another week for him to come out. The rubbing and creaking started back up the next day. Called them again, he swore it was just the control arm, and that it was no biggie, we could use it until he came back. Another part ordered, another week to two week wait. Now, I about bust my mouth when this thing just takes a crap right under me. I swear I could have really bit it. I can really relate to your story. Same thing.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I highly doubt you were the reason it broke. Sometimes things are made crappy and break. When I started working out on my treadmill I was 290+ pounds and the weight limit was 250. I didn't have any problems.
    I'm sorry that your husband sounds like an *kitten* though.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    Given it was under warrantee and has had other issues, perhaps push for a replacement rather than a fix. Some units are just not right.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    And regardless of your husband's attitude, it's up to you to let it make you feel terrible. You are the one that is letting things get to you.

    I disagree. He clearly meant to make her feel badly. Some people are just *kitten* and when they say something hurtful, it's not the victim's fault for being hurt by it. What kind of backward logic is that? Your overall message was good, I just find this to be totally wrong.

    So it's not up to you to be hurt by what someone said or to let it negatively effect you to the point you want to give up? You are saying that you have no control?

    It's not backward logic. Yes, people can be *kitten* and will say things to hurt you. Facts of life. But it's up to you on how you take it and let it affect you.

    I don't have control over what someone will say or how much it will hurt. You didn't address the effect, you were referring to the fact she got hurt to begin with. I don't know specifics but speaking to your spouse that way is abusive and can be totally counterproductive.

    I said I liked your overall message. She should definitely get on it again and not let it hinder her to the point she continues to not exercise. However, I fall short of pinning the blame on her for how she feels about it.

    I agree that you can't control how much something someone says is going to hurt you. If it's just some random stranger saying it, it's much easier to just ignore it and let it slide. If the person saying it is someone you love and trust, those words are going to hurt.
    What you can control is how you deal with it. You can take all that hurt, bury yourself in a pile of blankets and never want to come out again or you can use them as motivation to show that person they are wrong. Fight back, if you will. Get back on the NordicTrack and show your husband that you can and will get healthier, with or without his support.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    @taiser... YES!!!

    The repair guy was here once for a rubbing issue and a creaking issue. It took them a week to send the part, another week for him to come out. The rubbing and creaking started back up the next day. Called them again, he swore it was just the control arm, and that it was no biggie, we could use it until he came back. Another part ordered, another week to two week wait. Now, I about bust my mouth when this thing just takes a crap right under me. I swear I could have really bit it. I can really relate to your story. Same thing.

    First, I am glad you are OK, what a crappy accident.

    Second, I am not going to comment on your husband except to say I agree with all the others.

    On the elliptical itself, almost all of the sporting goods store brands are made by ICON and have the same quality. I used my elliptical at over 300 lbs and believe me, if I didn't break it, you certainly didn't. What probably happened (and a warning to all owners) is the bolt holding the arms together was probably just a bit loose and sheared off. Mine came loose very quickly and made some wild popping sounds before I tightened it back up (and used some Locktite thread sealant). If you are concerned then go to a hardware store with the bolt from the other side and see if they can match it. It doesn't have to have the exact same head, just make sure it wont interfere with the bearing seals. A high quality bolt will give you confidence and will stay tight.