I have loads of problems...



  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    There are so many, that I have no idea where to start. Doctors are great.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    OP, to be blunt, no one here can really help you. Your post is very alarming in that you are exhibiting many signs of an eating disorder. Until you take a look at this, you will not be able to get healthy. So please speak to someone that can help you such as a doctor or psychiatrist. Worry about your overall health instead of the number on the scale because your current path is very dangerous.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Let me break this down.

    You are not eating enough. On top of under consuming calories you are not eating much of a variety of anything (no wonder you're getting sick of it.) And the most likely reason you faint when you try to run goes back to the second sentence of my post. YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH.

    If you are not a troll and this post is actually real you are on the road to developing a serious eating disorder.
    Advice - eat food. Actual healthy amounts of real food.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    In reply to some of the questions:

    1- My doctor is not aware of my diet for two reasons: one being he is a bad doctor that I am hoping to change soon; two I never thought of bringing it up. I never even considered having an eating disorder or going to a therapist

    2- I guess my calorie intake is all over the place. I would say half of the week I force myself to eat the 1200 limit. Some days like today I do not have an appetite and only eat 600.

    3- What I meant by "I can only have this" is that I just do not like other foods (I am a very picky eater) and I get bored of food quickly. For example, I would eat a certain food normally, after a while I would stop craving it or liking it and stay away from it for months. Some foods I start craving again, other times I don't.

    As for the suggestion of mixing foods and trying new recipes, well ... I cannot cook. All my experiences in the kitchen ended with minor burns or bad tasting food.

    I guess I have to visit a therapist just to be safe. I had a normal diet until I started losing weight so I probably went the wrong way.

    Thanks for all the replies and advice!! :)

    I'm a picky person, too. You have to play around with food to make it fun again. The only veggies I eat are cucumbers and carrots. I dip my cucumbers in nacho cheese popcorn seasoning (no, I'm not kidding). If you don't like chicken/eggs - why not try protein shakes? I use vanilla powder, mixed with 8 ounces of OJ and 4 ounces of frozen fruit. It's really delicious. Clif bars are good, too - the chocolate chip ones are my favorite. Lots of protein and calories. You could also make different sorts of chicken and eat quesadillas or tacos or whatever. Eating sensibly doesn't have to be boring.

    It's hard for me to hit 1200 calories a day, but I'm working my butt off to do so. That means sometimes having a soda, or a handful of cheetos. It sounds like you're restricting your food a lot in the name of a "diet". You need to eat normally, while meeting your goal (which I'm thinking is too aggressive).

    I don't think you're taking very good care of yourself and I echo everyone that has suggested you find a good doctor that is invested in your health. Good luck to you.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    As many have already said, your doctor thinking you have low thyroid is missing some pretty big problems that have similar symptoms. Eating that little in terms of calories and exercising for that length of time if you exceed a meal of 700 cals? Not healthy, so not healthy that your body is probably unable to warm itself properly, you probably feel tired all the time and you can't concentrate (these are all symptoms of low thyroid).

    Please explain to your doctor you diet, your doctor should be able to help you to see someone to help you find food more interesting and build a healthier relationship with the food for the future!

    I hope you find a way to overcome your problems and grow from them, that's what life is about after all isn't it?
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    First, I echo the other posters who recommended seeking professional help about a possible eating disorder. Check with your insurance; mine covers up to 6 hours of weight-related counseling per year 100% with a co-pay for anything after that. Also, if your doctor didn't bring it up, then you definitely need to find a new doctor. It should be clear to a good doctor that he/she needs to ask you a specific set of questions about your diet even if you don't volunteer the information first.

    Second, I feel ya on getting bored with food. The first time I lost weight - before stress and a back injury brought it back 4 years later - I ate a lot of chicken breasts and Subway sandwiches. I'm starting to like chicken breasts again, but still can't eat Subway. And eggs...sometimes I'm all over eggs, other times I go months where even the thought of eggs makes me want to hurl. The secret is to find alternatives and vary your diet. My biggest issue is making sure I get enough protein. When I can't make myself eat meat/eggs, I'll go with low-fat (NOT fat-free) cottage cheese paired with unsweetened applesauce or pineapple chunks. Another fav is cottage cheese, baby carrots, and Town House crackers. I don't know why, but that combo knocks it out of the park for me. Also, peanut butter or almond butter on celery sticks or apple slices, hummus (roasted red pepper is my fav) and pita bread/carrots/celery, and "taco salad" made with black beans (canned, rinsed, drained), salsa, diced tomatoes, a little grated cheese and whatever else you want to throw on there over lettuce all provide protein boosts. Just a few suggestions to help vary your diet without resorting to junk food!

    Third, remember to give yourself grace. This isn't something you're going to resolve immediately or easily, but you can do it!

    Let us know how you go with these issues. This is a supportive, safe place to talk and get advice. {{HUG}}
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    As for the suggestion of mixing foods and trying new recipes, well ... I cannot cook. All my experiences in the kitchen ended with minor burns or bad tasting food.

    Take a cooking class. Seriously. Almost anyone can learn to cook with a good instructor and some practice. Some people can learn from books. If you're one, try Mark Bittman's book How to Cook Everything: The Basics. (This is not the same as "How to Cook Everything".) The Basics book includes instructions on techniques, and the building blocks of a meal.


    Spices are your friends, they can highlight flavor, and add a delicious and enticing undertones to your meal.

    And EVERYONE has burned themselves or hurt themselves in the kitchen. I've burned my fingers, palms, splashed bacon grease on my belly, bumped into the hot oven with my thigh, sliced my fingers more times than I can count.

    You live. You learn. You keep moving.

    I've messed up SO MANY recipes, to the point that I would just toss them instead of eat them. YUCK! I've been experimenting in the kitchen for about 6 years, and while I don't know much, I can throw together a bunch of ingredients in ridiculous combinations and have it turn out great. But you gotta get in there and get your hands dirty.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Okay so I went through the same as you. I am super picky and it's funny I also only like lettuce t
    tomatoes and lettuce. I am back on track. I can run either. I do the exercise bike. I of course eat way more than you. I go to sprouts central market trader Joe's etc. I look at things and try new things. Some are good some are terrible. I also have added other things to my diet. I am diabetic and have food issues. Mainly eating too much of everything and anything. I am doing better. Go to the store and see what looks good. Try it at least twice before you say no to it. What I eat has changed so much and it's just something I have to embrace. I eat a lot of the same foods but try to add new things whenever possible. Good luck. Work on it a little at a time you'll get there.