Ready for a Change!

Hello, My name is D, I am going to be 28 years old. I am 254 Pounds and started MFP in April at a whopping 269 pounds. This is the highest I have ever been. I did weightwatchers 5 years ago for a year and lost 85 pounds before plateauing, and gaining it all back plus more. I loved weightwatchers but it didn't do me any good when I would cry at the scale when I gained or stayed the same, I was being too tough on myself. I also did not exercise. Life happened. I gain everything back and 4 years ago( I was 150-180lbs) we started trying to have our first child. Test after Test showed nothing was wrong and I was on multiple drugs and completed several treatments and still no luck... instead I gained all my weight back and more. Now I am as motivated as ever to lose this weight and keep it off. I have changed my lifestyle, changed my eating habits without taking away the things I love. I hope that I can find some more motivators and friends on here!


  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    Does fear motivate you? It motivates me for sure! My father is sort of an expert in all this nutrition and health stuff that I'm just now getting into. He says that gaining back weight and losing it again over and over (usually around the 3rd time) can cause your metabolism to shift (similar to plateauing) and that it makes it three times as hard the 4th time you try and do this. Although, everyone is different. This can happen to someone on the 2nd or even the 5th time I've read elsewhere. Once he told me this, I was motivated more than ever!! Good luck to both of us, feel free to add me as a friend :)