Need some encouragement

For some reason, I have it set in my mind that I'll probably binge tomorrow. It's not that I'm planning it, I just have a feeling it could happen. This scares me so bad because I really can't fall back into bad habits again. I've been doing so good and I can't handle a set back like this. I guess I'm just asking for advice on not letting myself assume I'll binge. Because once I have it set in my mind, it's hard to shake the thought.


  • znelku
    znelku Posts: 3
    Hi Loretta! Please don't do it! I know how tough it is to break out of old habits, I've only recently started out on a path (only last 4 weeks) which I can honestly say I'm proud of. All I can suggest is to write down you goals and focus on how blessed you are to have a healthy body. You can try going for a run, yoga, reading a motivational book...i'm probably sounding cheesy of luck to you, and hang in there - it shows you are making progress if you recognize your triggers and can talk about them :)