Battle To Be Thin-My Journey

*disclaimer* In no way do I expect everyone to agree with my methods or logic. I am sharing the below with everyone because I am bored and people might find it helpful.

I will be 40 in August. I have never been thin. I come from a family who loves food and getting together for homemade dinners that consist of yummy (but very fattening) meals. I love this food..nothing makes me happier than a Reese's peanut butter egg, or two. I have been the opposite of the pinnacle of health for as long as I can remember. I hated excercise and never even attempted to incorporate it into my lifestyle.

I have 4 kids ranging from 23 to 3. My weight was always between 170-190. After my last child and new job I ballooned to 212 lbs. This is the biggest I have ever been and was that big for about 2 1/2 years. I would try diets but honestly, I dont have that will power. Call me weak or whatever, but I like food. In the past I had taken phentermine a few spans of time and saw great weight loss with them. But the weight never stayed gone, I would go back to my same eating habits.

In April of this year I couldnt take the disgust of looking at myself in the mirror any longer. A friend recommended a nutrition Doctor so I started my own search for someone close to where I live. I found a Dr who used phentermine as a tool to begin losing weight. Made the appointment and decided that this is it.

Right now my regimen is 30mg phentermine, mega ditex plus chromium, starch blocker, 5-htp 50mg, a prescribed multi-vitamin and a B12 injection. I have done my research and honestly I could probably get away with just the phentermine and the multi-vitamin...but I decided to stick with what the Dr is giving me, for now.

The Dr put me on a 1200 calorie diet, however, instead of me counting calories he only wanted me to count fat grams. My daily limit of fat grams is 20. I will be honest, I rarely stay below 20 daily grams. He has asked me to do cardio only 45 min/3 times a week. I am a determined person so I walk 3.5 pace 30 minutes 5 times a week and also have taken up some just dance sweat for 20-40 minutes 7 times a week. I rarely miss a day of excercise and now I love it.

My friend turned me on to myfitnesspal, now I dont know how I did anything without it. I keep track of everything and it is a lifesaver.

I know most on this board dont agree with meds or low calorie diets. However, this is what is working for me right now. I have changed my entire lifestyle when it comes to food and fitness. I have the lowest blood pressure right now than I can ever remember. After 7 weeks I am convinced I will have no problem coming off of the meds and continuing this lifestyle change. I started at 212 and am currently at 186. There is no drug that is a have to want it and work your as* off to get results.

Stupid story but thought I would share...thanks for reading :)


  • Talking_Tiffany
    Talking_Tiffany Posts: 1 Member
    i think its a great story... i feel fat as hell at 204 which was the weight i was after my second child...funny thing is. I weighed 204 at the peak of my pregnancy with my first child. I snore more too (i have no proof) but my hubby says i sound like a bear. Of course he keeps those jokes to a minimum. But really,,, do what ever works. I;ve rededicated myself. I;ve never tried counting only fat grams. Its worth a try. I need 25 to 30 pound off!!!! My birthday is in August as well and I really would love to be ready!!!
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    hi just read you story can relate to it. You do what works for you, you will get lots of comments about the pills don't take comments to heart what ever makes you happy continue it works that's all that matters
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    I was told I began snoring as I am hoping that stops with the weightloss. I am determined to go out for my birthday and look great. I already feel so much better...its truly amazing
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    Thank you. Yeah, I know there are a lot of people who disagree with the pills. But luckily its my decision and not theirs :) I will be coming off of them soon...but it was just enough to help me get a good habit formed, so for me, it was worth it.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Just curious - is this a nutritionist or a dietitian?
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    He is a Dr. that refer's to himself as an "obesity and medical weight loss specialist" I am not sure if that makes him a nutritionist or a dietitian.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    If he was a dietitian he would have RD at the end of his name.
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    Just an M.D. so no, not a dietitian. His specialty is bariatrics.