Are you trying to lose weight, or FAT??

be_AL Posts: 15 Member
First off, I despise the term "weight loss". It focuses on all the WRONG things. It inspires slavery to the scale and starvation diets. Most people are talking about FAT loss when they say weight loss. Your weight includes fat along with muscle, bone, organs, blood, whatever you ate today, fluids, etc. Aiming to lose "weight" could result in shrinking any of the these other contributors to the number on the scale (usually muscle). Do yourself a favor and call it what it is: FAT. Say, "I have extra fat and I want to get rid of fat"... not "weight".

What's the best way to lose fat? Everyone's bodies, interests, abilities are unique. There is no one answer and it's not easy or everyone would be super sexy fine. Here are a couple articles I just came across for some basics to keep in mind for those of you who believe cardio is the answer to fat loss (especially to those of you who slave away on these machines for hours and hours and see no results). Educate yourself, and enjoy these juicy tidbits! :)

...and just for funsies: