338 pounds looking to get to 250 how?need help

hello everyone I have been on this journey for some while with ups and downs but im getting older and becoming a recluse because of my weight i didnt eat much today but steak fries and ground beef sirloin burger and i walked 1 mile in 20 minutes i know i have to eat more during the day but today was just one of those days were i didnt require much.

how should i kick start my new journey i know diet and discipline is key but i struggle with hunger at night are there any supplements that i could take to get rid of my appeitie and also with a restricted diet will walking 1,2,3 miles a day keep the weight dropping i want to lift weights but i have acid reflux and puke when i squat and sometimes when i bench.

i need a fool proof plan to get this weight off i turn 30 in january and spent most of my life a sad person how much weight can i drop between my 30th birthday how long to drop a 100 pounds?also any good fun interactive low impact cardio dvds to pick up i cant do push ups though.

thanks for your help


  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    It is really hard, but you should be proud of yourself for getting started. One thing is, if you want help from the MFP community, it's helpful to make your diary public so others can see what you are eating. It's tempting to make weight loss complicated and look for magic bullets, but, really, when we eat moderate portion of nutrient-dense foods and move our bodies more, we will lose weight over time. One thing I have found helpful is to focus on one change at a time. For me, I started by ADDING a green smoothie each day before trying to eliminate anything. The extra nutrition gave me the energy to make my next change, and so on. Find a few people on MFP whose journey you admire - who are losing in a healthy way by eating real food, and who are encouraging to the MFP community, and who don't try to be doctors.Please consider seeing your primary doctor and asking for a referral to a nutritionist. Also try to get a pedometer, and, rather than trying for a certain number of miles, just try to slowly increase your average number of steps. Finally, try to find someone close to you to be supportive. Wishing you much luck. It's hard, but it's worth it and you can do it!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    steak fries and a burger are two heavy calorie things to eat. you could have spread those calories across two or maybe three meals and felt satisfied longer. what i suggest is that you eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. that keeps your blood sugar even, and also doesn't give you time to get hungry. that also allows you to have something right before bed - a bowl of cereal with non-fat milk or a non-fat ice cream or low fat pudding or yogurt in a flavor you actually like.

    i eat things like sargento reduced fat cheese (cheddar is my fave) on a slice of my favorite bread or egg beaters with avocado and 1 serving of trader joe's hash browns and red bell peppers. avocado mixed with non-fat greek yogurt with lots of pepper and dill plus 1 teaspoon of paul newman's light italian (yum!) with an ounce of chips (what kind of chips depends on my mood). or oatmeal made in non-fat milk with cocoa powder, stevia and 1/2 a square of sees chocolate melted in. a 6 ounce baked potato with daily low fat sour cream (it's my husband's favorite sour cream), 1 tablespoon of light butter and lots of pepper.

    learning what foods are satisfying, sustaining and fall into the right calories takes some experimenting and lots of reading. or there are lines like lean cuisine, weight watchers and more, and some make some mighty tasty foods.

    there's no such thing as a foolproof plan, as we're all human. but if you cut only 500 calories off your regular eating each day, you'll lose a pound a week, and honestly 500 calories can be cut by making substitutions - low fat cheese for full fat cheese, dryer's slow churned ice cream instead of regular and like that.

    imo walking is among the best, healthiest things you can do. hopefully some folks here will have some DVD suggestions for you. btw, you might not puke while lifting if you don't lift quite so heavy.
  • 12whilson
    12whilson Posts: 16
    I originally started at around 310. And I did t on my own for awhile a then I found MFP. Right now I am 260. I always ate eggs for breakfast. So I switched to egg beaters or an egg substitute and I could eat the equivalent of 4 eggs for 100 calories and 20 grams of protein. I started to use spray butter. Because I used butter to cook everything. I would make sure I had carbs and protein at each meal. So if I had eggs I ate toast. Or a hashbrown patty. I tried drinking milk for snacks. I made it chocolate milk. By using sugar free Hershey's syrup. For lunch I tried to stick to the same few things so I knew what I needed to buy and that helped me stay on track. These are just a few of the things that have helped me. I'm not saying that they are in any way right. But that's how I started out. And I still want to lose quite a by more I want to get down under 200. But it takes time and patience. Good luck in your journey!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I started at 335 and am aiming for 222.

    The links posted already will be a good start. Barring a medical condition, the most important factor is wanting to lose the weight enough to be willing to do what needs to be done.

    Exercise is a relatively small part of the equation. Personally, I felt too heavy to want to do much exercise that was going to make my joints hate me, so I started walking. I tried to go a little faster and/or a little farther each day. It burns some calories (especially at my size), it helps with endurance, it doesn't destroy my knees, and gives me a feeling of accomplishment that I don't want to squander by making poor food choices. If you want to do a different kind of cardio, that's cool, but walking is a very reasonable start.

    As far as the weights, maybe moderately higher reps with lower weights would help. If not, maybe your doctor could help.

    Bottom line, though, there's no foolproof plan, but a smart plan and motivation can get you to the same place.
  • OUCHilly1
    OUCHilly1 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 61 years old come August, and I have Hypothyroid with a very slow metabolism. Keeping my weight down has been a struggle most of my life but I have had a heck of a time with my weight over the last decade. I started with MFP less than a month ago and I have already lost 9 lbs. Watch your sugar content, it hides everywhere... water, lots of water. The surgery drinks, even those "health" drinks are swimming in sugar. I have all but cut butter/margarine out of my diet completely. Also salad dressing, mayonnaise and marinades are full of fat and sugar. Broil you meat, instead of frying it, It drips off fat content instead of adding it. Watch those carbs too, potatoes, pasta, bread anything with white flour in it is a diet killer. Try replacing with whole grains and nuts. Brown rice, instead of white, whole wheat 45 calorie bread if you must eat bread. I get hungry at night too. Sometimes it will wake me up and I cant go back to sleep. Try a night time herbal tea and a light snack like crackers and low fat cream cheese (no more than two table spoons though), or celery and peanut butter (same two table spoons full). Frozen grapes are fun in the summer time. Nice ripe grapes are sweet and frozen you can work on one at a time and they last longer. Good luck and happy birthday, get out there and dance!