T25 advice


Im in need of a little advice from anyone who has done Shaun T's T25.

Im on week 4 of Alpha, havnt missed a session, lost a few pounds and inches however im still really struggling with the Full Body Circuit workout. I feel completely spent at the end and even during, to the point where i have to stop for a few seconds to recover. My main problem is all the plank exercises and variants of, my cardio is pretty good. I just dont have the upper body or enough core strength yet to get anywhere near "nailing" that dvd yet. Now im only a week or so away from starting Beta and im worried that if im struggling with Full Body Circuit in Alpha then Beta is probably going to finish me off!

Any suggestions or advice?



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I would go ahead, you can always mix them, I did. I never think of a program as a "magic potion" in the sense that if you don't do it everything just they way they have the program it wont work well. In every section of T25, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, I have favorites and one I don't do at all. I went ahead with Beta for speed and Rip T and slowly added more. If you can "nail" speed in Alpha, no need not to do speed 2.0 in Beta. It's not a big jump in some ways.
    I try to look over a DVD, maybe while eating dinner to give myself a preview of it. There are many review sites for T25 that describe each DVD in detail, but what one person thinks is "very hard" might not always be for you and vice-verse.

    Good luck and just keep it up, one day your core will be stronger, but move on to other things while working on it.
  • mrsrogers26
    mrsrogers26 Posts: 3 Member
    I started week 1 T25 Alpha on Monday and really enjoyed days 1 & 2 so I was really looking forward to day 3 last night. I found TBC SO difficult though. I don't look ahead to what each workout is so went into it blind. I have very poor upper body and core strength so have always struggled with planks and have never been able to do a press up. I came out of the workout feeling a little demoralised but having read some posts on other feeds it seems that this is one of the most difficult workouts in the whole program so I will crack on! I just try my best and hold for as long as I can. When I was really struggling last night I alternated between high knee raise with Tanya and squats, working on the basis that something is better than nothing.
    My motivation has not been dented too much though as I'm sure that over the weeks my strength will improve and that's my target :-)
  • jimukjxb
    jimukjxb Posts: 4 Member
    I think I should go with Tanya sometimes but i always forget about the modifier while im trying to stay "focused". Iv also read in another thread that TBC is one of the most difficult so that does make me feel better. I definitely feel stronger than week 1 and i noticed this morning that im pretty much getting my chest to the flaw for the press ups.

    I will start Beta as normal and see how i get on. I might even watch the dvds next week in preparation.

    Thanks for the replies :)
  • michproca
    michproca Posts: 19 Member
    Stay with it! I just read your post and remembered that I felt exactly the same way at that point in Alpha. I mostly stayed with Tanya for upper body for plank and burpee exercises. I was scared of BETA weeks but found that they were more strength demanding than cardio. (Except for speed 2.0 which is all cardio but kind of fun) BETA relly pushes the core and my abs are pretty strong now. No 6 pack yet :( . Those v sits are killers but I am starting to get there.
    I am just starting my 2nd round of alpha and haven't needed to modify, so I feel that's progress.
    Try to double up on day 5 if you can. It has helped me to increase my endurance.

    Good luck!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Just do ans much as you can I'm doing my 2nd round and forgot how difficult TBC is. I still modify and sometimes modify the modifier IMO and May others have said this out of every alpha and beta workout this was the hardest. And the rip't in beta is much funnier than tbc Hang in there and yes you should preview beta they aren't as scary as I thought they would be. I also struggle with planks, push-ups etc. getting a little better. I also have no coordination for the lunge progressions. But I keep in mind what Shawn t says go at ur own pace and stay in control.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    How much are you eating? Could be the cause. I felt like I hit walls when I didn't have the proper amount of calories. Feel free to send me a friend request if you like. I finished T-25 at the beginning of June and had good results. I found I hit some walls and some of the moves were hard for me to get right.