Down 20 pounds, looking forward to 20 more!

Roughly a year ago today (My 29th birthday) i hopped on a scale at work as a gag mostly. Imagine my surprise when i looked down and it read 205. When i was accustomed to weighing in around 170'ish. That day i downloaded MFP and tried in earnest to do better for myself.

Fast forward a year, and despite some fits and starts. And downright quitting there for a little while, ive climbed back on the wagon and as of yesterday weighed back in at 181. But more importantly, i FEEL better. My energy levels are up, no bouts of unexplained depression or headaches.

I found i had more success when i stopped worrying about it so much, kicked the scale into the corner and focused on just staying within the boundaries i set for myself. (Cals, Macros etc.) As of the last month or so, ive taken another step and have started heading back to the gym on a regular basis. Which, i think may have stymied my progress in a way. As i failed to account for it plus my activity levels at work. (Had myself set to sedentary) At work i walk on average 4 miles a day, and hit the gym 5 days a week at least. So ive upped my activity level and will monitor the changes to see if that works.

Anyway, for anyone out there who like me. Hit a wall, gave up, got fed up with the process. Remember what i had forgotten, which i learned in the Army. When faced with a problem, never quit, adapt and overcome and you will come out ahead. If something isnt working, evaluate and find the solution. But never let the problem beat you, its within your power to find a solution. Dont be afraid to experiment, there is no one size fits all solution for the world. And dont sweat the small stuff too much.


  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Great job! I'm down 11 pounds, looking forward to the next 9 to join you in the 20 pounds club :)
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