Need estimation of calories burned by running (133lbs)

SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
I have a Wii Meter (a pedometer device linked to Wii Fit U) it counts steps, but not perfectly. I no longer own a HRM, so I can't be sure how many calories I'm burning. I'm planning on power-walking and running again. My treadmill seems to display DOUBLE the calories my Wii Meter says, so I can't be sure what to put on here.

I read a 150lb person burns roughly 100 cal per mile of running.

I'm around 133lbs, 5'2 & a half, and I'm in decent shape. I play Just Dance games on hardest songs continuously for up to 40 minutes and burn SOMETHING like 220 calories. My fiancé said that running is even more effective for staying in shape.

I just need estimates, I'm not trying to lose weight per se (I've plateaued, and was obsessing about it, so now I'm just wanting to stay in shape, but keep my build and get leaner, along with my usual strength stuff)

Does anyone else own a Wii Meter? Is it pretty trustworthy of calories burned? It was only $20, so I'm not so sure. Steps by walking, it counts pretty well.