I didn't cave in.....

This isn't a super huge success story as it relates to amount of weight lost or anything, but it was a small personal success for me.

Taking the advice from a friend of mine who has unbeknownst to her become my official unofficial weight loss buddy, I was at the grocery store this morning to pick up a few things. I've never been good at eating healthy. I've done everything from binge eating to damn near starvation at a point where I would only have a couple of bites of chicken every two days or so. I don't think I've ever been at a point in my life where I was disciplined enough for ready to give up all the craptacular foods I enjoyed. Over the past little while it wasn't really a matter of how much I was eating, as it was a matter of what I was eating.

I admit, I'm still having some struggles. Like wheat bread.....ew. But I am getting better and I noticed that this morning while looking for what my friend recommended (ground turkey, seasoned and mixed up with brown rice, just in case you were wondering lol). I was shopping hungry as I had just gotten off work and my job is quite physically demanding so what I had eaten was all used up by this point. Usually this is a very very VERY bad idea. Everything always just sound so good! I walked by the chip aisle and kept thinking "oh man some potato chips with french onion dip would be awesome right now!", and then of course where I shop, the sodas are kept in the next aisle over so the next thought was "and I could wash it down with a cold Sprite!!" There were a few other similar instances when I passed the locations where they were kept but I walked by....okay I'm lying. I may have stopped and stared....but the main thing is....I DIDN'T CAVE IN! It's always easier to buy the food that is bad for us because it's cheaper and lets face it......eating is an expensive necessity as of late, but I didn't do what was easy and I didn't buy what I knew would taste good.

Other things I've noticed: The stairs at work don't kick my *kitten* anymore. I'm still slightly out of breath when I reach the floor I work on, but I still take the stairs at work when can.

I'm slowly getting used to the foods I am trying to get into the habit of eating. I've never had turkey bacon for example and I actually find it to be quite good chopped up in my scrambled eggs. I adjusted to skim milk years ago, and now I'm adjusting to the taste of low fat 1% cottage cheese.

I move better and feel better. This may sound a little weird but yesterday I was forced to endure a 1 hour and 45 minute meeting on asbestos and since there were no chairs, I sat on the floor. I was able to sit with my legs crossed Indian style and they didn't hurt like they would have a couple months ago and I didn't have a hard time breathing when I pulled my legs up close to my chest.

Sometimes I think its the little victories like this that keep people going, that make the sacrifices and snackrifices worth it to the big goal in the end. <3


  • rashundawillis
    rashundawillis Posts: 6 Member
    Love it! Thank you for sharing your story. I really needed this
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Oh my gosh I know exactly what you mean. Little victories need to be celebrated, because sometimes the big picture just gets so overwhelming. Good job to you! I hate walking through the bakery of any grocery store I go to; everything looks so delicious! But every time I avoid temptation I reward myself with an episode of a favorite tv show (used to reward myself with food, yeah that's a habit I had to break!)

    Keep up the great work!!
  • carrie_lake
    carrie_lake Posts: 3 Member
    I love this! No truimph is too small. Way to go and keep it going!
  • 3BabyBlues
    3BabyBlues Posts: 24
    You are doing great! My knees finally quit hurting from using the stairs. Keep it up.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    Awesome job!!:flowerforyou:
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Little things are big indeed. I started having my groceries delivered to contain my ambling around the store and impulsively throwing things into my cart. When I make my order online, I go slower, I can be more deliberate in what I buy. It's not so much that I'm not allowing myself tasty things, but it's better if my grocery cart isn't 90% lard, pork rinds, and baloney. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Great job!
  • That is awesome! It is so hard to stare your favorite junk food in the face and just say "no". That is definitely a victory!
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Little changes make a big difference! Good job on being more conscientious of what you eat and on being more active :)
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    Little things are big indeed. I started having my groceries delivered to contain my ambling around the store and impulsively throwing things into my cart. When I make my order online, I go slower, I can be more deliberate in what I buy. It's not so much that I'm not allowing myself tasty things, but it's better if my grocery cart isn't 90% lard, pork rinds, and baloney. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Great job!

    Wait you can order food from a grocery store and it'll be ready to be picked up? What magical store is this?!?!
  • Rain2628
    Rain2628 Posts: 2
    I know how you feel, every time I walk by a chocolate chip cookie and don't cave and scarf it down I feel like I have beat an addiction for another day.
  • JEE2015
    JEE2015 Posts: 146 Member
    The litte victories all add up. Will power and determination are soon going to be the 'norm' for you. I've been heavy too, 240 lbs :(:(:( and lost 110 only to find a few weeks back the realization that 75 or so found me again.

    I keep a journal now of my daily victories and sometime faultes... And i'm a guilty daily weigher.

    Keep posting your victories, they're wonderful and inspiring to read!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Little things are big indeed. I started having my groceries delivered to contain my ambling around the store and impulsively throwing things into my cart. When I make my order online, I go slower, I can be more deliberate in what I buy. It's not so much that I'm not allowing myself tasty things, but it's better if my grocery cart isn't 90% lard, pork rinds, and baloney. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Great job!

    Wait you can order food from a grocery store and it'll be ready to be picked up? What magical store is this?!?!

    Actually, it's delivered! I use Safeway and a site called InstaCart. There are delivery fees, but it's not too bad. Made a huge difference since I don't have a car.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    Little things are big indeed. I started having my groceries delivered to contain my ambling around the store and impulsively throwing things into my cart. When I make my order online, I go slower, I can be more deliberate in what I buy. It's not so much that I'm not allowing myself tasty things, but it's better if my grocery cart isn't 90% lard, pork rinds, and baloney. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Great job!

    Wait you can order food from a grocery store and it'll be ready to be picked up? What magical store is this?!?!

    Actually, it's delivered! I use Safeway and a site called InstaCart. There are delivery fees, but it's not too bad. Made a huge difference since I don't have a car.

    Oh my! That is awesome... I just checked and they don't delivery to my Pittsburgh suburb :sad:
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    They also don't deliver to my Chicago suburb! Boooooo
  • rachelhaueter
    rachelhaueter Posts: 41 Member
    Boobiietrap I must declare my undying like for you based on your roller derby picture. Wanting to be able to do derby is part of what has me on this weight loss journey.
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Getting better at derby is my motivation for loosing some extra weight! Derby is something I love, and willing to talk about it whenever you want! :)
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