


  • harktosh
    harktosh Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't had a soda since the last time I logged one in my food diary. It's hard. Very hard. The temptation is still there, but it's getting easier. I noticed the more water I drink, the more my body craves it. It is starting not to want the soda nearly as much as water. The first week, I would get terrible headaches. Now though, I feel great. My energy has increased, I sleep better, overall my body feels better.

    The key is to just stick with it and if you slip up, get back on the horse and try again.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    Is it the carbonation you're craving? For me, that's usually the issue. When I first started losing weight, I was HOOKED on Mt. Dew. So what I did was if I drank a can of Mt. Dew, I had to drink a tall glass of water afterwards. Eventually I got used to the water, I switched it up with plain water or crystal lite in my water; which I still do.

    But when I crave carbonation, I tend to try flavored water first before I buy soda. However, sometimes a soda will do.
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    reduce gradually is my advice. I was drinking several sodas a day, but reduced it to just one a day, and now I get one soda a week. It isn't easy, but I've been soda free for over a week now.

    I've also noticed that with less soda drinking, I am having TROUBLE reaching my calories for the day.
  • DollfaceLisa
    DollfaceLisa Posts: 21 Member
    I've quit soda few times in my life for a few weeks at a time. I's been over a month this time and I believe this time it' for good. The more I learned about it and what it does to your body, the easier it was to commit. Good luck.
  • davidbernstein148
    I kicked soda about... 4 months ago now.

    My path was as follows, I dropped all soda with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), Pepsi makes a throwback variant of several types, they used to do Dr. Pepper but stopped. I noticed that the real sugar was more satiating to me, and thus I went from a 4-6 can a day habit to 1-2 a day. That one change knocked my calorie intake down by at least 2-300 points a day.

    I then drank all the soda in the house and switched to straight water. You really just need to figure out how you like your water. I prefer mine chilled without ice from a brita filter (the brita is somewhat irrelevent IMO, I could probably just fill a pitcher of tap water and be happy). Once you figure out how you like your water, keep yourself in close access to it and drink it as much as possible.

    Nice side benefit, you also save significant amounts of money.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    I buy tons of Club Soda and add flavorings. It's all about the carbonation for me. I didn't consciously give up my Coke Zero, I suddenly realized I haven't had one in ages - not even sure how it happened. :huh:
  • scflg76
    scflg76 Posts: 4
    Giving up soda is something I'm about to have to deal with also. My 'drug of choice' is Mr. Pibb. I got down to drinking one 8 oz Coke every day or two when I was losing weight a year ago. When I got sick and started gaining weight, the Coke count creeped back up: at this point, I drink so much that I look around & say "where is that box of Coke that I bought two days ago?"

    What worked for me before & I hope will again, is scheduling cutbacks. 'I will drink X oz a day for the next Y days." Then I dropped 5 oz a day for the next period of time. It was difficult, but it worked.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I drank a ton of soda as a kid, but as an adult I don't really drink much of it at all. I just don't buy it and for me it's that simple. Wish I could be more help, but if you don't have it in your house it's easier to kick the habit.
  • Ammodawg
    Ammodawg Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all for the replies and advice. I've tried to quit before and somehow always ended back at where I started. My biggest problem is at work when I'm stuck in the office and not out in the field. So today I am starting to challenge myself by only allowing for one a day. I brought a couple of oranges with me so if I start to get the urge to grab a Dr. Pepper I have a slice of orange instead. I've also got a huge glass of water here to drink.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was mint green tea. Made a big pot at night, and put in a pitcher in the fridge. Then in the morning as I was running out the door to work I filled a water bottle with it. The tea gave me a little caffeine, and the mint made it taste sweet, but no sugar, no cals.

    I still sometimes have a Coke or a Dr. Pepper as a treat, but breaking that habit saved me 200-300 calories a day! Good luck, I know it's tough :)