How to get a more feminine shape?



  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    OP, you look perfect to me. You have a very healthy looking body, with what appears to be a body fat amount in the normal range. Heck, you even appear to have the much-strived-for, but rarely achieved "thigh gap" going on in your photo! I imagine many are jealous of that.

    However, you are looking to improve your shape for some reason, and asking for advice about that. What you can do is start lifting weighs to help tone your muscles, which will help give definition and might tuck in your waist line a bit more, if that is what you seek. I don't know if it would be advisable for you to lose any weight, and you should refer to your doctor for that information, but certainly if you are healthy enough for exercise, you might feel better about your appearance in 2 months if you follow a good weight lifting or muscle toning program. Check with your gym to see about a session with a personal trainer to get on the right track. Best of luck!
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    I was expecting something masculine-facial hair, large shoulders, narrow waist, narrow hips, muscles, hairy chest & extremities.

    I expected to see


    In all fairness to the OP, she said she thought she looked like a man, not a talent-less douche bag.

    I liked the movie Waiting, though :ohwell:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    What exactly do you find masculine about your shape? What do you wish to change?
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I assume you mean- how do you get your banana/ruler shape to turn into an hourglass?
    Answer- you can't without surgery.
    I have the ruler shape/boyish/banana/straightish.
    1. Become content with your shape.
    2. improve what you can. (Bigger butt muscle, maybe work on shoulders)
    3. don't get caught up in what makes a female shape...female.

    What banana shape? She has a defined waist.

    Ok, take the "your" and change it to "a".
    I was replying to her concern, not calling her a banana/ruler.