so who knows how to lose weight fast???

Liani Posts: 63 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
i need a new diet...any crash diets?
i tryed the cabbagge soup but am full pf it i last only 2 days lol it was 7 day:blushing:


  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    i need a new diet...any crash diets?
    i tryed the cabbagge soup but am full pf it i last only 2 days lol it was 7 day:blushing:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Why would you want to crash diet? that doesn''t make any sense. Any weight you lose eating only cabbage soup will come back again very quickly.
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    oh:sad: lol
    am tired of feeling to chubby:yawn:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been on the cabbage soup diet before, and by the time the week was up I was tired of it. Plus all the running to the bathroom. I think it's a good colon cleanser:happy: I still have it once in awhile only because I like it, and for not more then three days. But I am taking it slow this time, crash diets didn't seem to get the weight off and keep it off as to eating the right foods for a permanent weight control.:wink:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been on the cabbage soup diet before, and by the time the week was up I was tired of it. Plus all the running to the bathroom. I think it's a good colon cleanser:happy: I still have it once in awhile only because I like it, and for not more then three days. But I am taking it slow this time, crash diets didn't seem to get the weight off and keep it off as to eating the right foods for a permanent weight control.:wink: Sorry I must of punched the reply button twice.:blushing: You only have 20 pounds to lose , so don't make yourself sick by trying crash diets. Time goes by faster then you think when your losing 2 pounds a week.
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    Why would you want to crash diet? that doesn''t make any sense. Any weight you lose eating only cabbage soup will come back again very quickly.

    Totally true. Crash diets don't work, period. If you want to lose weight for like a week and then have it come piling back in and sometimes with more than what you started with..then go for it. But in order to lose weight and keep it off, you have to eat a balanced diet and me I wish it was easier also, but no pain, no gain right? Anyways just wanted to put in my two cents because I have been there before with crash diets and yeah the results just weren't good. Best of luck! :smile:
  • healthychic
    healthychic Posts: 298
    If you eat like this for a WHOLE week straight, and continue it, you will notice a difference!! And if you exercise at least 3-4 times during the week also, doing light cardio.

    breakfast: 2 special k waffles, a piece of fruit, and a glass of milk (light syrup and butter too)
    a bowl of healthy cereal and milk, a piece of fruit and juice
    a special k bar, piece of fruit and soy milk

    lunch: tuna fish with light mayo/celery, onion or whatever you prefer mixed in
    put that on 2 slices of wheat bread and even add a peice of cheese if you want
    a little salad with carrots mixed in (thats two servings of veggies right there!)
    piece of fruit and water
    lean cuisine, any variety, a piece of fruit and a veggie, water
    Healthy Ones deli turkey breast lunchmeat(in deli at meijer), piece of swiss cheese on
    the sandwich, honey musturd or musturd.
    Yoplait light yogurt, fruit, and a water

    Snacks: carrots, light yogurt, granola bar, 100 calorie snacks, the possibilities are endless!!

    Dinner: Grilled Salmon with Brown Rice
    Cup of milk and a veggie/salad
    Baked or Grilled Boneless Skinless chicken breast
    a salad, a red skin potato with light sour cream and chives,
    anything to drink.

    If you eat close to this every day for this week, i guarentee you that you won't be hungry and you will feel like a whole new person at the end of the week. You would have to tweak this a little bit to fit your calorie needs.
    You will have energy and you will lose 1-2 pounds more than likely if you stick to it and exercise. This is how I eat and it works! Its all about eating healthy for life, crash diets aren't for life, they are temporary and usually harmful to your body. You don't want to do that to your body :smile:

    if your up to it, try this plan for a week and let me know if it works for you. i hope i helped!!!:happy:

    :heart: Danielle
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    i know it gets frustrating to not see the weight coming off, but crash diets do NOT work!! believe me, all you will lose is water weight and it will come back the second you have a "bad" day. stick to a well balanced diet, and it'll happen!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Not a good idea to do crash diets. You'll only feel like crap! They are called crash for a reason...ya
    "CRASH AND BURN" :sick:
    your on the wrong site if you want to do that!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I know what will make you lose fast but do you want fast or do you want steady and permanent? I HOPE the answer is steady and permanent because you need to take care of yourself while losing weight. Being thin is great, but it isn't worth messing up the rest of your body.

    Just lower your calories enough but not too much, eat healthy foods to fuel your body, exercise....and though it seems like it will take forever...just get started and you will be surprised at how fast the weight comes off. I have lost 83 lbs so far since this past September. Trust me, if I can do it and do it slowly and patiently, then I know you can! :)

    Good luck!!
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    thank u for the adive:flowerforyou:
    thats glad u lost so much wieght
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