Finally decided

Hello everyone,

I have known about this site for awhile, however, I just signed up. I am a person who has carried extra weight since I was a child. I am now 52. I have some health issues that would be less if I could get the weight off. I have had the weight loss Gastric Banding back in 1999. I lost almost 100 lbs at that time, and that was the most I ever lost. I still had a long way to go because I weighed 320 to begin with. Today I am about 265, but the arthritus and fibremialgia are taking its toll. Not to mention. I really do want to look and feel better. I want my outside to match my inside. Sometimes I feel like I sabatoge myself and talk my self out of making the lifetime change that would be beneficial to me. So I hope to be deligent and I look forward to hearing from others on the same journey as me.


  • Robinson1258
    You can do it once you have it mentally it will always come to you wish you luck on your journey!!
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    Hi! I am on MFP daily and am always looking for people to add to my MFPeeps. I only ask that they are serious about getting healthy, too.

    This is my second time on MFP (I left the first time for unrelated medical reasons) and both times the amount of support and help amazed me. I lost 35 lbs the first time and and am working toward losing 75 total this time.

    Anyone interested can send me a request!
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    Feel free to add me. I'm on here all the time. I am about 30 pounds to go on my goal. I WILL motivate you!