Jessica Simpson, too muscular? What's ur opinion?



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I don't like her legs! I've got muscley legs too. But there's something I don't like, maybe too angular or just too bulky. They look like they need a good foam roll.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Yay. Body shaming.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    The people in the comment section are ridiculous. Her legs don't even look muscular, just slim.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Too muscular for what?

    Exactly what I was thinking
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Since you're asking our opinion on the title I will have to tell I don't like her figure that much, at least that's not the kind of figure I'd like to get or that I admire. But I do admire the fact that she's probably healthy to look like that.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I think she looks great! Definitely not "too muscular".
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I don't understand how that is too muscular. I was thinking she needed to lift more. But whatevs, media.

    What's more sad? The number of people saying that her legs are "manly" and "not feminine." :noway:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I think she looks great, I would kill to have legs like that.
  • dropdeadgreggie_
    dropdeadgreggie_ Posts: 166 Member
    Stop body shaming.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Haters gonna hate
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    To me she looks great. And what ever the rest of the world thinks, I really don't care. If only the real world were that way (worried about how others look, wear, have, etc.), how much easier would it be.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I think "too muscular" IS a thing for 99% of people if we are all to be honest. Where that line is drawn is just going to be different for different people. What people find attractive is just what they find attractive, I don't think its fair to attribute fault because you look down on what other people find attractive or not attractive.

    That said I agree the comment section on that thread is pretty pathetic. Just because you don't find something attractive doesn't mean you have to mock it.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Stop body shaming.

    i hope you didn't direct this to me...I was curious about what people here think, that's all. :)
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    She can't win can she? Either she's too fat, ridiculed for wearing mom jeans, and now for whatever reason. Gawd help her if she's seen in public with a zit.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I don't like her legs! I've got muscley legs too. But there's something I don't like, maybe too angular or just too bulky. They look like they need a good foam roll.

    Yeah I agree with that. I mean I find a certain type of musculature attractive in a woman. I definately like fit and some muscle and even a lot of muscle really but a particular shape that not all have.

    I'm with you that its not so much the amount of muscle but they do look off to me for whatever reason. Sorry to be blunt guys, again I'm not going to attempt to justify what I find attractive and what I don't find attractive I really don't have control over that.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    If I am honest there is a line where if a woman becomes too muscular I find her less physically attractive than if she were slightly less muscular but still fit.

    But here is the thing. That is just me. There are other people out there who are going to find more muscle more attractive and still others who gag at the sight of ANY muscle. If you try to come up with a "reason" why people like certain things you will basically be running in circles and making up explanations.

    Here is what matters. If you are fit you are probably healthier than if you were not fit. If you continue to drop bodyfat and recomp to be more muscular you will be even more fit. I'm guessing there is a point where even more muscle doesn't mean you are that much healthier however if more muscle is what you want for agility or strength or to do the things you love doing then more power to you.

    If the woman I love decided to get super muscular for a reason like she loved to deadlift and rock climb or something then I would support her in that and revel and enjoy in her successes as my partner. I cannot control my physical attraction response in such a rational way so would I potentially find her less attractive? Yeah, its possible. But worrying about that sort of thing is not a way to live your life.

    So looong story short I don't find her legs particularly physically attractive but I think it speaks loads to her will and her determination and that is pretty hot. If I am gazing from afar then meh, if I am in a relationship with her then I am very happy for her success.

    Hopefully people can understand I'm just being bluntly honest and not jump on me for it. I won't defend my attractions, there is nothing to defend...they just are.

    Nicely put Aaron. I wouldn't fancy her if I were a bloke tbh. I think I'd end up fancying bikini models circa 20% fat. But liking the look of someone and being really into the whole package are two different things. I really like looking at women's bodies, probably more than men's. I personally think it's really easy to go over a tipping point for women into too bulky, I flirt with these lines with my own body. I have to almost force myself to keep some fat on and not lift too heavy, it's detrimental to my speed and my femininity. It's so tempting to go too far though. It's like you feel you can be strong enough to conquer the world.

    Here's the funny thing though. I'm not fussy whether my guys have big or little muscles, as long as they are reasonably fit. (And don't have sloping shoulders-only because my lying ex did)There's only one muscle that determines how much I fancy em.

    That's right.

    Their brains! Nothing sexier than a funny, happy, smart guy.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Wow! Hadn't seen this. I think she looks great.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    She's not particularly muscular. The photo is just an action shot. This is like pausing a show and commenting on how goofy everyone looks.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    She looks fit-and not to take away from her success-but this looks very photoshopped.

    I don't think it's photoshopped. Its a pap pic so I don't think they photoshop those.