Backpacker needing to cut some weight

My family and I have been backpacking for the last five years. I have recently had to admit our last trip was really hard on me and I have to be honest that a lot of it had to do with my weight. I do not want to watch the numbers on the scale but prefer to track where I'm at based on how my clothes fit and how I am doing physically on the trails. I want to lose the weight so I can keep doing what I love with my husband and my son. I would love to make friends with other folks for inspiration and encouragement.


  • That's a great goal, and I wish you success! Since you like to hike, obviously, I wanted to mention the idea of getting a treadmill desk. If you have a desk job, or just for reading, web surfing, or movie watching, it might be a good way to get in a lot of base training miles and lose weight at the same time. I have not researched the treadmill desks, but I just started using the FitDesk FDX 2.0, which is a stationary bike desk. So far (I'm only on Day 2), it's really great. I used to do bike tours, and I already feel like my 2.5 hours of working/riding yesterday are putting my body into bike-tour mode.