Plateau Help??

Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
Hi everyone. Quick background.... 30yr old female, 5'3", starting weight 168lbs, current weight 141lbs, goal weight 125 lbs. I havent been able to budge from 141 in a month. I was steadily losing before. Eating about 1200-1300 a day. Im on my feet all day at work, Fitbit says I average about 12,000 steps per day. Which ends up equally a daily burn of 2200 calories. On days that I do cardio, I eat back the calories. I weigh everything and try to eat clean. I drink alcohol maybe once a week. I know that Im not underestimating my calories. At least not by 1000 cals a day! I tried upping my cardio, I tried switching it up. And I tried having one day a week that I eat 1600 just to confuse my body. Nothing is working. Any ideas?


  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    So you're burning 2200 calories, and eating 1,000 calories less than that? Then if you do cardio on top of the 2200 calorie burn, you eat those calories back?

    Try reducing the gap between calories burned and calories you're eating. If you burn 2200, maybe try 1700 calories. Either that or figure out if perhaps things like cooking fats, etc. are being miscalculated.
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, I have a deficit of 1000 cals per day roughly. Which breaks down to 2lbs per week. And I was losing 2lbs per week. Until now. And I honestly track cooking fats. I track everything down to a stick of gum.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    You may be eating under your BMR which in the long run can slow down your loss. I would lower the gap for awhile and see if your loss starts again (even if at only 1lb per week)
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    So youre basically saying I should be eating 1700 a day instead for a while?
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    at least 1,700

    I would maybe do macros and see what your protein/fat/carbs should be
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    your macros calories is 1490 to 1700

    (1700 calorie macro based off your 141 pounds)
    140 grams of protein
    65 to 70 grams of fat
    139 grams of carbs

    add me and let me know how your doing!