25 things



  • ginnyroxx
    4. commando. nuff said.
    that's one i had to edit :wink:
  • ginnyroxx

    15. ERA laundry soap is heavenly. I once said that I wished it could be used as a bodywash. Which brings me to a similar point.. when I had ran out of bodywash and had to use men's Axe, I couldn't stop sniffing myself all day. Mmmm :)
    I wear my boyfriends "man" lotion sometimes, when I'm missing him. I'm wearing it today :heart:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lets see if i can do this in 20 minutes...if not i'll do a part two

    1) I'm left handed
    2) I grew up catholic but go to a Lutheran church to watch my grandpa play the sax in the choir
    3) I have a step son who's 8 and we have full custody
    4) My current vocation has nothing to do with my 7 years of education
    5) I blew up 2 vehicles in 2 months
    6) I am named after my dad because i was the last chance of being a boy and it didn't work
    7) I read A LOT
    8) I didn't own my first TV until three years ago
    9) I've only been in love once, and i'm marrying the poor sucker
    10) I hate cooking
    11) The cleaning isle at the store is my favorite isle
    12) I like to think I'm intelligent
    13) I have a VERY low tollerance for B.S.
    14) I want a mastiff puppy
    15) My goal in life is to own a house
    16) I vote for the Green Party of Canada and I'm not ashamed to admit it
    17) I'm having an eco-friendly wedding
    18) I'm strangely attached to my mother even though she's not very supportive
    19) I am not friends with my two older sisters, they treat me like i'm still 12
    20) I find people jobs and edit their resumes in my spare time (for friends)
    21) I have a large ring size
    22) I love sleeping in until at least noon
    23) I love going for tea with my friends
    24) I wish I was a student again
    25) I am a logical, down to earth person (weird i know, being a girl and all)

    Seriously I could keep going hahaha
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    *bump* for later
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!
    Honest, I named mine after a character in a book I read in the 4th grade. The Baby-Sitters Club: Logan Likes MaryAnne.

    Edited to add: The poor kid!
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    1. I dont think ive done one of these before...
    2. Im 26
    3. Engaged to a guy who i was friends with for years... I even moved interstate for a few years and back again (he stayed here). I moved in with him because i "knew" nothing would ever happen because he is so shy...
    4. Thank god for alcohol! :wink:
    5. Im a Libra and i do love balance!!
    6. I get paid alot to do almost nothing!!!
    7. I am addicted to Facebook
    8. And MFP! :embarassed:
    9. I also have the libido of a teenage boy...
    10. My Fiance doesnt. :sad:
    11. I always feel like i would be lost when if i left my phone at home...
    12. But when it happens im not!
    13. I like eating healthy .... most of the time.
    14. Im going to see Robin Williams tonight!! WOOOOO!!!! :love: :laugh: :drinker:
    15. Im a Dog Lover!! We have two (med-big) dogs already... i want more... ahahaha
    16. I love sweet drinks when im boozing... i recently discovered i :heart: Moscato Sparkling wine.
    17. Im lazy...
    18. I dont mind cooking, just as long as i dont have to wash up as well... Thankfully i make very nice food so my fiance doesn't mind doing the dishes... too much.
    19. I wear my engagement ring on my "rude" finger cause it doesnt fit on my ring finger anymore (it did when i got it)
    20. I love my family so much... but preferably from a distance.
    21. Australian Accents are hard to come by... trust me, i was born here and still cant find one... !!! :tongue:
    22. Its everyone else who sounds 'funny'
    23. My fiance nags more than i do!
    24. I have at least 5-6 wii fitness games... which ive played like... once each... Oh dear!
    25. We have a Wii, Xbox 360, Nintendo 64, PS3 and a awesome PC... we arent gamers... we swear!!!

    (YAY i made it... hehehe... Just!)
  • Kristy1214
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!

    Logan is on my list... now just to get to that point! LOL
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!

    Logan is on my list... now just to get to that point! LOL
    My son's names are Jake and Luke (not Jacob and Lucas). If our daughter had been a son, his name would have been Dylan. I was afraid it would have sounded like we were raising the new BH 90210 class. :laugh:
    My ex-wife stopped discussing girl's names.
    First it was Lilly.
    "Lilly LaBonde? Sounds like a porn name"
    Then Claire
    Breakfast Club flashback - "John Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name."
    Still sticking with Claire, but now making it a middle name.
    How about Emma Claire?
    "You realize her name would be E.Claire"
    That's when the discussion ended.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    *Bump*, this is cool, I'll be back later :-)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!

    Logan is on my list... now just to get to that point! LOL
    My son's names are Jake and Luke (not Jacob and Lucas). If our daughter had been a son, his name would have been Dylan. I was afraid it would have sounded like we were raising the new BH 90210 class. :laugh:
    My ex-wife stopped discussing girl's names.
    First it was Lilly.
    "Lilly LaBonde? Sounds like a porn name"
    Then Claire
    Breakfast Club flashback - "John Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name."
    Still sticking with Claire, but now making it a middle name.
    How about Emma Claire?
    "You realize her name would be E.Claire"
    That's when the discussion ended.
    You didn't end up naming your daughter Dylan did you?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!

    Logan is on my list... now just to get to that point! LOL
    My son's names are Jake and Luke (not Jacob and Lucas). If our daughter had been a son, his name would have been Dylan. I was afraid it would have sounded like we were raising the new BH 90210 class. :laugh:
    My ex-wife stopped discussing girl's names.
    First it was Lilly.
    "Lilly LaBonde? Sounds like a porn name"
    Then Claire
    Breakfast Club flashback - "John Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name."
    Still sticking with Claire, but now making it a middle name.
    How about Emma Claire?
    "You realize her name would be E.Claire"
    That's when the discussion ended.
    You didn't end up naming your daughter Dylan did you?
    Sydney...out of the blue. That name had never been mentioned before. Now you probably understand why.
  • Kristy1214
    1. I did not name my child after after Wolverine, no matter what his father keeps telling him.

    Does this mean his name is Logan...or Hugh?
    Logan :wink:
    :laugh: We DID name our son after Wolverine!

    Logan is on my list... now just to get to that point! LOL
    My son's names are Jake and Luke (not Jacob and Lucas). If our daughter had been a son, his name would have been Dylan. I was afraid it would have sounded like we were raising the new BH 90210 class. :laugh:
    My ex-wife stopped discussing girl's names.
    First it was Lilly.
    "Lilly LaBonde? Sounds like a porn name"
    Then Claire
    Breakfast Club flashback - "John Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name."
    Still sticking with Claire, but now making it a middle name.
    How about Emma Claire?
    "You realize her name would be E.Claire"
    That's when the discussion ended.
    You didn't end up naming your daughter Dylan did you?
    Sydney...out of the blue. That name had never been mentioned before. Now you probably understand why.

    E. Claire! Ohhmygosh. I about spit my water all over my desk! Tooeffinfunny.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    15. ERA laundry soap is heavenly. I once said that I wished it could be used as a bodywash. Which brings me to a similar point.. when I had ran out of bodywash and had to use men's Axe, I couldn't stop sniffing myself all day. Mmmm :)
    I wear my boyfriends "man" lotion sometimes, when I'm missing him. I'm wearing it today :heart:

    I do the same thing. My late boyfriend wore Brut and I love the smell of it. Sometimes I'll put some on before I go to bed at night just so I can go to sleep smelling it. My son hates the smell of Brut. :laugh:
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    1. I have two beautiful children: boy- 10 & girl- 8. (yup, those are their names too… jk).
    2. I have been married 2 times. For 6 years the first time, and for 2.5 years so far on #2.
    3. I am 27 years young. (I feel really old though!!)
    4. I love to clean my house. Many people have even dabbled with the idea that I may be OCD.. ?
    5. I like to drink.. and have dance parties!
    6. My favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings.
    7. My favorite band is a Finnish band called HIM  I meet them in 2006!
    8. I am usually down for anything that anyone invites me to do.. very spontaneous.!
    9. I love my brother very much, he is everything that I wish I was. 
    10. I found my soul-mate (how many people can say that?)
    11. I want to move out of Michigan. Always have wanted to. I hate the cold, and I just plain hate the state.
    12. I am always cold. (I mean it.. I don’t even wear shorts in the summer unless it is over 80 degrees).
    13. I have a Bachelor’s Degree  (in marketing)
    14. I sleep with covers over my head and one foot out of the blankets.. haha (the foot allows me to not get all sweaty, but keeps the rest of my body nice and toasty).
    15. I can cook pasta dishes better than Olive Garden (no joke)!
    16. I am 5 years older than my husband. (And he is only 12 years older than my son). Lol..
    17. I was a teen Mom, and loved every minute of it. Moved out on my own before my son was born and got married to his dad when I was 18 (my son was 1)!
    18. I believe that boys are easier to raise than girls are. By far!
    19. I am not friends with many women. Actually my girl to guy friend ratio is probably 1:10. The reason.. women tend to be back-stabbing, snobbish, competitive, vindictive, .. should I go on? And since I am NONE of these.. we tend to not get along so well.
    20. I LOVE music. I actually don’t know how anyone wouldn’t; or how anyone could live without it.
    21. I love the color black. I have black hair, I wear black clothes every single day. No that DOESN’T make me “goth” or “evil” lol
    22. My favorite perfume is Vintage Soul by Curve, and I wear it every day. For men I prefer Polo Sport  Love it!!
    23. I have an iPhone. (eh.. it’s okay.. not as sweet as I thought it would be..)
    24. I have experienced a lot of death in my life. Lost my Mom when I was 14, Dad when I was 15 and my first husband when I was 24.
    25. My best friend (other than my husband) is a guy, and he is 8 years younger than me. He’s my Chi !! 
  • duckie33
    duckie33 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I'respond more when i use my personal computer.
    PS- You owe us FIVE more. LOL!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    [/quote]My son's names are Jake and Luke (not Jacob and Lucas). If our daughter had been a son, his name would have been Dylan. I was afraid it would have sounded like we were raising the new BH 90210 class. :laugh:
    My ex-wife stopped discussing girl's names.
    First it was Lilly.
    "Lilly LaBonde? Sounds like a porn name"
    Then Claire
    Breakfast Club flashback - "John Bender: Oh, it's a fat girl's name."
    Still sticking with Claire, but now making it a middle name.
    How about Emma Claire?
    "You realize her name would be E.Claire"
    That's when the discussion ended.

    :laugh: That's so funny. You know you can't be too careful when it comes to naming your kids. I went to school with a girl whose hame was Maxine and some kids used to call her Maximillion Bones. She hated it! When my daughter was pregnant with my youngest grandson one of the names she and her husband considered was Conner. No good. Think con man or con artist or convict. They're lucky they had me and her brother to help them pick out a name. :laugh: You also have to wach out for what the initials would be. My co-worker and her husband named their son Max. YIKES!!! Think maxipad! I feel sorry for the kid when he starts school.

    Ok, the top part should have been in quotes but for some reason they didn't show up. :huh:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    1. i adore going to the stadium but hate watching sports on tv. don't really like hot dogs either, but i love the smell of the 'rockies dog'. :) can't get enough of fairs, carnivals and amusement parks. i think i might get more excited about going to them than my kids. no wait, i know it's true; i get more excited than my kids.

    2. i am under 5 foot tall (4' 11 1/2''), but i lie. :) i wear shoes with a 2 inch heel always!

    3. i used to be very bad at eating breakfast in the morning. i love breakfast food though, so having breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite meals. we call it 'brinner' (we also sometimes combine lunch and supper into one meal, and call it 'lupper').

    4. i love cheese. when i am really stressed, i buy a block of mozzerella and gnaw on it until it is gone. i add cheese to almost everything, even fruit or pie (the exception being chocolate - i have tried, but cheese-n-chocolate do NOT go together at all. lol). my version of a grilled cheese sandwich is to stick a hunk of colby cheese on the griddle until it is nice and crispy, and eat it with no bread. my favorite cheese is cambozola (a portmanteau of camembert and gorgonzola). swiss i the only cheese that i have to be *in the mood* for. i think gouda is very good-a. heehee. (my blog is even called 'Everything is Better with Cheese'.)

    5. currently in the frig are 16 different kinds of cheese - feta, blue cheese crumbles, baby swiss singles, muenster singles, colby slices, american slices, havarti block, provolone block, pepper jack block, cheddar bacon block, parmesan herb block, wedge brie, wedge parmesan, shredded colby and monterey jack, shredded mozzerella, and shredded sharp cheddar. that is not including the string cheese, green can parm, cream cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta, laughing cow or velveeta. the number stays approximately the same, but the kinds vary.

    6. i am a really great chef (and yep, i am being modest), but i hate, hate, hate baking. hate it! (*ahem* ...unless it is creme brulee.)

    7. i have a few weird food habits. to name three - i always blot my pizza with a paper towel before serving it (i think i heard somewhere that it takes off 100 calories per slice); i have to take at least one bite out of my 'whole' string cheese before 'stringing' it; i can't handle any of the white peel left on the outside of my orange. oh, and the only soup i can eat when i am sick is french onion. no chicken noodle for me - gross!

    8. i always wanted to have twin girls.

    9. i love to decorate and design! i wish i had gone to school for architecture or interior design (though i joke that i can't draw a straight line with a ruler. lol) ...perhaps one day.

    10. i love old stone buildings, stained glass windows and claw foot bathtubs.

    11. my favorite color is brown. my favorite paint chip is called 'cracker bitz'.

    12. i organize closets and drawers before worrying about main spaces. speaking of closets, i think mine might be my favorite room. it has a window, framed art, an ottoman, and a chandelier in it. *blissful*

    13. i don't mind cleaning bathrooms, but despise vacuuming and refuse to fold socks.

    14. i scrapbook without pictures. i.e. just make scrapbook layouts and someone else has to add the photos. i have made seven volumes of scrapbooks without pictures. :) i think it is because i am a perfectionist and worry that i won't like it a few weeks after it is complete.

    15. i am chronically late. thank God for such forgiving friends.

    16. i wish i was better at being funny, less sarcastic. hubby thinks i'm a hoot (which is good for our marriage as you can imagine) and i think i have a good sense of humor, but many times people are not sure if i am kidding (when i am [i would say 'when i clearly am', but evidently it's not so clear]). my family is the worst at being able to read me and figure out when i am joking around.

    17. i am an avid reader, mostly of romance. i read a book a day, sometimes more. it takes me about 3 1/2 hours to finish a 350-page book. i also love presidential biographies (which do take me a bit longer, a week to a month), and children's books. i hate newspapers and magazines because i feel like i have to read every single word even the advertisements, but i like to stay informed because i am a political junkie.

    18. i love playing games, both board games and card games. i love the smack-talk that accompanies them. i am competitive and like to win. 'taboo' is one of the best games evah!

    19. i think it is more important for an american citizen to travel around the u.s. than it is to visit europe or other coutries. i have never been to alaska, arkansas, idaho, maine, tennessee, texas or vermont. it is my goal to accomplish this within the next 5-10 years, as well as revisit many of the other states so my boys are well-traveled. my favorite american city is wheatland, wyoming. i would love to live there if i could.

    20. i have touched a live bald eagle (our national symbol). they are fierce!

    21. i am allergic to metal and can't wear my wedding set. it bums me out and i have considered getting a wedding band or hubby's name tattooed around my ring finger.

    22. my husband and i each own 2 vehicles, which is kind of ridiculous, but they each have a different function. :) i own a 1999 bravada (winter suv) and a 2004 taurus (summer car). my husband owns a 2002 envoy (work vehicle) and red lumina z-34 (his dream car). three out of the 4 vehicles are gold. we would like to also purchase a 2007 4-door silverado truck (guess what color that will be?) but it will probably be another year before we can because we pay for our vehicles in cash.

    23. the day i met my hubby, i called my mom and said 'i just met the man i am going to marry'. :)

    24. i love getting a good deal. i will buy something that i don't need just because it is on sale (a horrible trait passed on from my dad). i am working on this.

    25. i don't like swimming. nothing traumatic ever happened to me, i just don't like the thought of all the germs in the pool or fish poop in the lake. i also don't like to talk on the phone, and think cell phones are evil.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    Here we go!!

    1. I HATE washing dishes...if I ever get my own house; the first thing going in is a dishwasher.

    2. My dad gave me a Russian name (Natasha) just to piss off my Mom's family (very stuck up, and not a Russian in the lot).

    3. I have a nephew named Kyristan who is 4 and a half, and the cutest little boy on the planet. He is super tall, though and looks like he is about 6 or 7, so people expect so much more of him than he is capable of when they first meet him.

    4. I love to read, bake, cross stitch and scrapbook. I am an amateur photographer and writer. I blog about my adventures in baking and cooking.

    5. My mom thinks I am morbid.

    6. I hate people that are stubbornly stupid and think they are correct no matter what. I know 'the customer is always right', but if you do not have the information, I can't help you! I'm sorry, but I can't magically pull your contract out of my butt just because you say there is one!

    7. Aside from getting together with family and friends, my favorite part of Christmas is the craft sales that pop up in every mall, school gym and arena each weekend.

    8. I can not spell. I love spell checker.

    9. I hate my job because it is so dead (I’m at a call center and take about 6 calls an hour). But I love my job because in between calls, I can read, play online games, text, find recipes online, and just about anything else so long as it is quiet and appropriate.

    10. My favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday is to close the curtains (so I can not see it) and bake all day.

    11. I am 29 years old and I can not swim. I have had many lessons, but I have never been able to learn.

    12. I hate snow, ice, cold weather, and winter altogether. Therefore I should live in a warmer climate, but I love Canada and would never move away.

    13. I live in the oldest incorporated city in Canada; there are a lot of very old buildings and parks here. I would love to be able to come back 100 or 200 years from now to see how much it has or has not changed.

    14. My parents live on a farm. Not with any animals, aside from cats and a dog, but an old farm complete with barns, a play house, an old country store, chicken coop, and a double seater outhouse. I am the only person in my family who has not peeped into the outhouse to see the double seats.

    15. I love to move. After about a year in one place I get bored and want to move to another. I have been in this apartment for 21 months and I am extremely antsy to move. Everyone tells me to wait for spring.

    16. I was not allowed to play video games growing up. Now I can not seem to get into them unless they make me think.

    17. I am not an animal person. Cats are evil, dogs drool. Not big on rodents, cute to look at but not to own. Fish, I can live with but don't like to live with me. I could probably live with a cat, except for the whole litter box thing. Yuck.

    18. If I could afford them and did not have to work, I would not mind having 6 or 8 kids.

    19. I have never been drunk.

    20. I love to go for walks at night, even though it scares my family. I live in a small fairly safe city. I know the safe and non safe areas, but it still worries my family that I am going to be mugged.

    21. I discovered yesterday a habit I have that drives my beau batty is actually a family trait. I can never remember to check the time or set a timer when I throw something in the oven. I usually just glance at it every 5 to 10 minutes for doneness. My sisters do it to. Three of us baking a pie yesterday, and not one of us remembered to look at the clock when we were precooking the pastry shell and later when we were cooking the filling :-)

    22. I love doing online jigsaw puzzles, but not the real thing.

    23. My favorite foods are Lasagna, cookies and ice cream.

    24. I am in love with my kitchen aid mixer and my crock pots. I would be lost with out them.

    25. I am a horrible house keeper. I am able to houseclean if I have proper motivations, but I really could use a maid.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    OK, second attempt because I hit the wrong button

    1. I am 11 years old than my husband and soulmate

    2. I have two teenage boys from a previous marriage

    3. I moved from Ontario to British Columbia to be with my (current) husband

    4. I NEVER tire of looking at the mountains here

    5. I have hazel eyes

    6. I love to read

    7. I love horses

    8. I have three cats (Beanie, Sprout & Klunk)

    9. I own my own house

    10. I do not have a good relationship with my siblings

    11. That breaks my heart

    12. I don't wear pants/jeans ever. I only wear leggings to exercise.

    13. I would rather bathe than shower

    14. I love Baileys in my coffee

    15. I love Mexican food

    16. I would do almost anything for caramel

    17. I love to bake because I prefer to follow set instructions.

    18. I couldn't live without my Kitchen Aid and my crock pot

    19. I cannot skate (ice, inline or otherwise)

    20. I don't swim well

    21. I love to vacuum & clean the bathroom

    22. I love to iron clothes

    23. I go commando sometimes :blushing:

    24. I am not a prude by any means

    25. I am more obsessed with MFP than I am with FB