What did you do after the 30 Day Shred?

Hi all,

I was wondering what some of you did after completing the 30 Day Shred, as I'll be there in a couple of weeks.

I keep seeing that a lot of people start it over again because they were pleased with the results, some even mix the levels up instead of going in order, and a lot of people also move on to Ripped in 30 or the Six Pack Six Week(?) DVD.
I know I can't spot lose fat, but my main areas I'd like to tone are my core/stomach/back and upper arms.

Thanks! :smile:


  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    I moved on to Ripped in 30 (slightly less 'samey' as it changes each week rather than every 10 days) which I liked a lot. Jillian gives a lot of pep talks in it which I like! Then I bought several of her other DVDs (Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and another one I can't remember the title of, sorry! - buns and thighs something?) which are longer workouts, around 30/45 minutes but I got a little bored of them after a while. Now I am doing P90X3 which I am enjoying a lot and is only 30 minutes a day. I also have Focus T25 which I started and then abandoned as it was just too hard for me! But I have heard such good things about it I am considering taking it up again after I finish my current program.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member

    Congrats on being almost finished with 30ds! I hope you took before photos :)

    I moved on to ripped in 30, but I didn't like it so stopped. I kinda bounced between other videos of hers but found the longer programmes too much extra time to spend. I got her body revolution and was straight away back in my happy workout place. :) I am on the last two weeks and can definitely see results.

    I also told myself that if I can stick to this programme for the full 3 months (I have a habit of not sticking with things) then I would reward myself by joining a gym to start a strong lift 5x5 programme.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Shaun T Insanity - when I completed that, it was the first time in my life I had incredible ab/oblique definition...and I was 51y/o.
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I've alternated between:

    1. Weight training in the gym
    2. JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    3. JM 6 week 6 pack
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    After my first round of 30DS I did do it again with the goal being doing all exercises non modified, taking weekends off...

    After that I started lifting heavy...haven't looked back since.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    After finishing the 30DS I moved on to JM's Body revolution and have loved it (this is my last week of the final phase) It is a little longer and more strength focused but I love how every two weeks it bumps up the difficulty so you always feel challenged as well as still having enough cardio to keep your heart rate up.

    Congratz on getting so far!