Trying again to get back in shape

After several kids and several years, I started to put on weight. I tried P90X and saw good results but couldn't stay on it after the 90 days. I gained all the weight back and I'm out of shape again. I tried MFP for a while but didn't try to get friends to encourage me and give me that extra accountability. So, I am looking for some help and some honest feedback. I will write it all down and do what I can to get to my goal weight and fitness level. I would love to get some friends to help me this time and I will do the same.


  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'll be glad to provide feedback when needed. Just let me know your eating habits for example. If you gave up cheese or something so i know what to be on the lookout for.
  • djbr2812
    djbr2812 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there

    I am like you and am now trying to get back in shape after having a few failed tries over the years. I think this is a great app; so easy to log your food diary on the mobile phone (sorry, if you're from the States, cell phone; I am Australian). It makes you really challenge yourself and be accountable for what you put in your mouth :)
    I am going to lose another 35lbs to get back to my normal size. We can encourage each other if you like?

    Happy healthy eating :happy: