Starting my weightloss journey with the pool! Advice?

I have hit that point. The point where you just cant live like this anymore. I look at myself and I am not proud. I want to be proud. My main problem has been laziness and emotional eating. I didnt realize I was an emotional eater for many years. However, As long as I can remember, I always thought i was overweight. And instead of working out, id tell myself to ignore it and eat something. I dont understand the choices ive made when it comes to food. Especially when I realize that it happened and still go on with it.

However, This is my time. This is my time to work my butt off to make chances. I want to feel confident about my outside as much as I do about my inside. When I was younger i was an avid dancer (ballet, tap, jazz, hiphop, pointe) and a competitive swimmer.

I have joined 24 hour fitness gym and im planning on using the pool. Mostly 99% of the time. I get bored and lazy when it comes to push ups, sit ups, weights, eliptical, and so on. However, I love the water and I love to swim. I am really hoping this helps me stick with it and get great results as well.

Has anyone lost most of their weight from swimming? any tips? I dont need a lecture about counting calories and my food plans right now....I am trying my best to change my eating habits and eat healthier...but i mainly am focusing on my working out in the pool.

I plan to take a few aqua zumba classes but mainly laps in the pool with back stroke, breast stroke and butterfly.

For people who have lost weight with swimming, can anyone give me insight about how much they lost and their time frames? Im not necessarily looking for an instant weightloss miracle, but having realistic goals would be amazing for me.

I am 5'3 and weigh an unfortunate 250lbs. My goal is to lose 50lbs by November.



  • Straitlover1965
    Straitlover1965 Posts: 39 Member
    Swimming is great exercise! I do water aerobics myself, but I want to take swimming lessons so I can swim laps, too. Anythign in the pool sis great for your joints. Good luck!
  • jmt08c
    jmt08c Posts: 343 Member
    Swimming is the most effective cardio workout in my opinion. Having been a swimmer for 20 years, it's my go to when I need to lose weight. As previously stated it's also great for your won't be impacting your knees like running/cycling.

    You will see your weight drop quickly if you put the time in the pool. One word of caution-once you begin swimming laps and increasing intensity you will get VERY hungry. It is important that you control yourself and what you eat after, or you will erase all your hard work. My cousin dropped roughly 50 pounds in 6 months while swimming, and he was 5'11' 280 lbs.

    Glad to see another person WANTING to change their lifestyle. Feel free to add me for motivation/support!
  • CharleneM723
    CharleneM723 Posts: 80 Member
    I love swimming too! I've used it as part of my training for triathlons but never looked at it as a weight loss tool. Great for complete body toning and a very fun exercise. I guess you could try out a heart rate monitor and see if it gives you an estimated burn. I've heard in the ballpark of 300-400 calories an hour for moderate effort swimming laps. Keeps us updated and good luck on your journey!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I second the thing about coming out of the pool hungry. I swim in the sea once the temperature rises to a balmy 15C in the UK and I am really hungry after a 45 minute swim in the bay. I have found the best way to tackle this one is to drink a hot drink as soon as you can after the swim.

    I think it is more to do with the body trying to raise core temperature back to normal and this translates as hunger. Have a flask ready or nip straight into the pool refectory for a quick coffee or tea.

    Swimming regularly twice a week and losing a steady 1lb per week.
  • MsLadySJ
    MsLadySJ Posts: 4 Member
    You guys are truly amazing! Thank you!
    I am planning on swimming 3-4 days a week.

    I was told if I can avoid the extreme hunger part after swimming if I go directly into the hot tub for about 5 minutes afterwards to warm my body back up. Do you guys think this sounds correct?